Friday 14 May 2010

Minnie's Narration

Ahhh Im sorry but I have to write a spazz post about The Notebook.

I know I've spazzed about it here before, but dang I love it SOOOO much!!!

Noah and Allie are just SOOOO scrumptious!!!!!!


Why can't real life romance be as satisfying as this??

Damn Nicolas Sparks!!!!

I'm just watching it at the moment!!!

Its the part where they had to rush home because Her parents sent the police looking for her because it was 2am in the morning.

Now her parents are being all snobby about Noah because he is poor!!! PFFT!!!! How irritating!!!! This could get nasty!!!

I wonder if that dad is actually handsome underneath the moustache??

*continues to watch*

OMO!!! if one of my parents called the person I loved



'Not Suitable'

I would go crAzy!!!!


Awww Allies PJ's are pretty I WANT THEM, its a shame Noah dumped her though - doesn't he realize how much that hurts?? THE PIG!!!

Now she is being made to leave him!!! and they are separating for goodness knows how long!!!

D: THAT MOTHER!!! She hid Noah's letters!!!!!! PFFT PFFT!!! Well we shall see what comes of her efforts to seperate them!!!!!!!!



'Dammit You have to marry me cos then your parents will always know the unhappiness you feel for not being able to disappoint them'

What a quote, I laughed to much...sigh

Noah needs to hurry up!!! He's losing at the moment to the charming rich boy whom her parents like!!!!


Ok I'm sorry, he's handsome and everything, but the location of the proposal was all wrong



Ohhh there he is, sleeping with another woman - typical - he's breaking her heart too.

Ugh, why does everyone but the person you want to talk to talk to you??

Why does everything have to be complicated? Why can't people be straightforward?

Why do I feel so helpless???

Ohhhh look at Noah and Allie, acting like friends when they love each other...why do people do that??

'It was such a long time ago wasn't it? You and me, just a couple of kids, but we really loved each other didn't we?'

Awww thats sweet...kind of like a stab in the heart feel like shouting


LOLL now they are laughing in the rain and her makeup has run down her cheeks and they both look like a mess but I have a feeling everything will be ok pretty soon.

*cough* yeah they are definitely making up for lost time now...

Awwww he made her a painting room like she asked!!! LOL and shes painting on the porch with no top on. XD

uh ohhh, Allies mummy has found out about the passionate reunion *scary*

Damn, Noah and Allie have the best arguments, I'm kind of jealous of their arguments...

And Allie chose Noah over her rich fiance, cos how could she leave Noah??

Maybe, their first separation was preparing him for what would happen in the end...thats why when she has alzheimers he always believes she will come back to him...and she does!!!

'Do you think our love can create you think our love can take us away together?'

The sweetest ending ever...I think its what every couple wants...

I remember when my grandpa was in a coma and we thought he was going to die...We took grandma to see him and she already had dementia...and she held his hand and kissed it and said goodbye...and it was heartbreaking...

I know why old people who have loved for so long wish they could go together.

I don't think I could bare it...

and on that note (book) ^ ^

I'm going to sleep, because its finished now.

From Min

P.S. Disappearing from view is easy, disappearing from someones heart - impossible...don't take me for granted.

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