Tuesday 18 May 2010

We are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Its Dong Young Baes Birthday today!!!

He is 22 now :D

Congrats Bae darling you are wonderful!!!!

I feel like I have been cleaning all day today, but it doesn't look like it.

I was hoovering earlier and It didn't seem to be picking up so I got annoyed and shut it off...I mean I'm not about to spend my precious amounts of energy on something that isn't making any progress at all...

I have a population genetics textbook beside me and its saying

'Open me you fool.'

It even has a cute tiger cub on the front...its all lies those...all colourful at the front and then when you open it up its as boring as hell.

A lot like a deceitful man haha.

You know when you get really good looking guys and then you start talking to them and they bore the hell out of your soul and you are like.

'Good grief, he's killing me now, he is going to be simply unbearable when he is old and fugly.'

Then you find an excuse to find your proper friends who aren't up their own bums and leave him for the flirts to enjoy.

That happened to me a few times at conferences...

Whats good about internet friendships is you can choose them

Wow this pop genetics book actually has a lot of what I want in it...Im so glad I wont have to search for crap on the net.

Its now 12:25, which means its taken me ages just to write this much haha...

Well Ive been busy watching Merlin

I love Merlin and Arthurs relationship

I love how they sare 'two sides of the same coin'

That phrase always touches me haha...I know I get emotional at weird stuff.

I didn't revise nearly enough as I needed to today...I need some inspiration. Like maybe.

'If you get straight A's in your exams Minnie, I will buy you a ticket to Korea to stay at a 5 star hotel with room service expenses pain for and a VIP pass to meet big bang.'

I dream way too much...but its not bad to dream...if you are a dreamer anything is possible.

Though in my case dreaming makes me lazy, because I always expect things to happen for me. I know its wrong, but once this lady told me that I'm one of those people which good things happen to even if I don't deserve it and my mind always goes back to that.

Maybe she shouldn't have said that to me haha...I take everything people say seriously.

You know how people say, dont trust someone until they have proven themselves?

well I look at people as more innocent until proven guilty...I know its noobish of me to think this way because most people are wicked deceitful wretches who should know better...but I like to trust people...I think it gives them confidence too...and in the end if they rip me off they will have a lovely guilt trip in front of them.

Is this blog getting boring already??

I always think it will be boring if I talk about what is on my mind haha.

Dad is ordering tickets online to go watch the tennis in London in November. He wants to go see Roger Federer...he is our fave tennis player (yeah I know he wins all the time, but he is such a good sportsman we decided her deserved our admiration).

I love it when families all support the same team...I love it when there is a big football final or something and we all go to grandmas and watch it around the telly and scream and diss the other team..

Its LOVE I tell you!!! <3333 :D

I actually wish we didn't have to go to London...I hate it when you say you are from England and some bright spark goes

'Oh do you live in London?'

I feel like screaming

'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - there are more than one city in one country you know!!!!'

Even the Queen doesn't live in freaking London half the time.

*cough* calm down Min, its not the end of the world...you will live..

Oh look!!! Now I'm talking to myself!!!

YAYYYYY Zaty spoke to me!!! The best part about staying up late is that you get to say good morning to Asia people...its quite rare that I get to do this!!!


Ughhh anyway, Sarah is saying

'Minnie its sleep time now'

In an irritated voice cos she hates the sound of my typing

So I bet go else she will stab me in the night.

Good Night :)

From Min

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