Friday 28 May 2010

I rub my hands in between typing sentences...Sarah thinks you need to know this....WEIRD

Because I now have NOTHING to do (and I'm not complaining...loving it while it lasts)

Me and Sarah can now restart watching the dramas we left hanging when I had to revise and all that nonsense.

So we thought..hmmm, which one shall we watch first???

And we decided on Personal Taste...we'd already watched the first two episodes and the were grossly hilarious so it was lush being able to settle down and watch more.

Can I just say...

Lee Min Ho

That man is simply one of the most gorgeous people to walk on the surface of earth...he's one of those perfect everything people.

Because everything about his physical appearance is does he stand to wake up every morning and see himself in the mirror??

I would cry with joy, if I were him.

I mean I cry with joy looking at him on a screen...his eyes and his hair are just so wekru ewiygehrjwe and then he has that perfectly proportioned body that screams,

'Minnie!!! For Gods sake!!! Draw me!!! Draw the straight lines of my legs and the slight curve of my waist and my perfectly symmetrical face!!!!! DRAW ME PLEASE!!!! DRAW MY GORGEOUS SOFT BLACK HAIR AND MY PERFECT LIPS AND DARK EYES. DRAW ME NOWWW!!!!!!!'

*Minnie dies*

This is the truth...sometimes I can't even look at the screen, because he is so perfect...

And this is what proves I love G Dragon most of all....because if I had a choice between Lee Min Ho and G Dragon...I would pick GD any time...I can't even call him oppa, but I would still pick know why?

Yes, I have an incredible bias...but also,

GD has something that Lee Min Ho lacks.

That brutal smile...don't get me wrong..Lee Min Ho has a lovely smile...but G Dragons smile could sink a thousand ships and conquer the universe and make every female heart (and some male) explode and all within a millisecond.

*cough* I have no Idea how I got on the subject of G Dragon

Anyway...where was I?? Oh yes.


Personal Taste!!!! I really like the OST

Especially the song Nonsense by Younha

I don't know why but it somehow reminds me of a song from a Taiwan drama OST...I can't put my finger on why I think just seems that way for me.

Anyway :D

See You

I have lots to say, but I'm watching Operation Love and well....Yamapi kind of needs my full attention

I LOVE HIS CHARACTER KENZOU!!! Kenzou is the sweetest most adorable and clueless character Yamapi has ever played....I ADORE Kenzou!!! wlreiyhqbwlrhiqwnkrqw



Bye Darlings

Love Minnie


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