Thursday 6 May 2010

Being with you is so dysfunctional I really shouldn't miss you, but I can't let go

I voted today :D

Hope I made the right choice.

Sorry if I've been horrible to anyone today...I'm so irritable recently, having mood swings and not eating and such...on the bright side, I have lost half a stone :D Which means I wont look blobby when I go to the spa tomorrow haha.

I hate feeling blobby in a swimsuit. I almost forgot to shave my legs as well...God only knows what I would have looked like...all blobby with sand paper legs...I dread to think of it O:

OMG it reminded me (one) of my favourite Beach Boys songs called God only Knows!!!

Ahh I must listen to it now!!!

Omg I'd almost forgot how much I loved the beach boys!!!! They have the sweetest lyrics!!! DAYUMMM!!!! I love 60s MUSIC!!!


Oh you know what!!! You need to hear these songs Imma get them on youtube for yous to listen to, you need to, they will make you smile!!! We need to smile people!!! Otherwise we can only cry.



I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE God Only Knows...and its sang by the chubby cute one too and he was my fave beach boy LOL

If only someone wrote lyrics like that about me *sigh*

Gah i'm so lovesick at the moment, its dreadful...

WHY DID Shine A Light have to be so enjoyable???!!!!!! When those girls touched his knees I wanted to die!!! My poor agonised heart was whipped senseless LOLOL oh and how I enjoyed it.

The last 20 mins were breathtaking. There was this little sort of biography of Jiyong and it was so touching, me and Sarah were sat there crying...and then he played lies on the piano and it was just so wEROLQJENRQWEJQKew<> then he suddenly says-

'Its not the same singing it alone'

And a few minutes later ALL of BIG BANG are on the stage singing lies and it was breathtaking!!!! after Lies they sang Last Farewell!!! Those are my most beloved Big Bang songs!!!!!! It was just so awesome!!!

And then he finished of the show with an encore of heartbreaker and it was just FABULOUS!!!

Me and Sarah were like singing along and waving our arms in the air haha...goodness knows what we would be like if we were actually there.

Rabid most likely.

G Dragon is such a good performer though, SOOOO pro. I am indeed in awe of his awesomeness.

Ooooo dad is making curry...I may actually eat something yayyy.

Sarah is going to draw. She says she's going to draw Bommie since she never draws girls. It reminds me of when I was little and I never liked to draw women cos I was embarrassed to draw boobs LOL. Speaking of art, I have been thinking of painting all of big bang....Im not entirely sure how I will compose it, but I want it to be a big one...and colourful!!! Its been such a long time since I have actually composed a picture from scratch. I'm looking forward to it. I just need to find perfect pictures of the boys and then make some lush setting for them to live in ^ ^.

I like this song, it makes me grin like an idiot

My fave lines

I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I'm nothing without you

I think 'My Life Would Suck Without You' is a crude, but extremely appropriate way of telling someone you can't live without them ^ ^

Wow, Ive really been spazzing about English language songs!!!! Shocking!!! I need a Korean one here, so I'll post my fave song of the moment :)

Its such a sweeet MV and the lyrics are just so true!! Its one of those rare songs where you actually see the girls point of view, rather than those annoying guys singing about 'how its not you, its me'. THIS IS SUCH A REFRESHING SONG!!! OMG I FEEL REFRESHED JUST READING THE LYRICS!!! *repeats*

GAWD and Hyun Joong is sooo attractive...His smile is just swygehjqweoiqwkmgfasfhda...smiles like that remind me why smiles are actually my weakness. And then when he runs home and doesn't miss her leaving!!! Gahh that is so good!!! I really thought she would be gone when she got back, BUT SHE WASN'T!!! AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!! I like when she get bored and throws that thingy at him haha. Maybe all guys should be cubbed on the head so they see what's good for them :P I will willingly volunteer to bash some heads if that be the case :)

YJ and I were just spazzing about this song today, we came to the conclusion that Gummy is the best noona for our boys ever!!!! We trust Gummy haha

Wow, my tummy is really hungry now, but I can't smell the curry yet and its almost 11pm. We are leaving home at 9am to go to the spa...I hope its fun...I have a feeling I'm going to get irritated by people...considering my current emotional condition it is highly likely that I will get irritated VERY quickly.

Sigh, Im just going to swim...swim and just let the water refresh me. I actually can't wait. Ive not swam in ages...Its a very free feeling, like underwater flying. I can just close my eyes and let my worries go for little while.

Im tired now and I still have to get some clothes together for tomorrow and the day after...actually no I dont. There is loads of stuff hanging on my bannister. I can just shove some in a bag and it'll be fine hehe.

I still cant smell curry :(

Goodnight to you darlings!!!

Saranghaeyo <3

I will miss you even though its only one day!! I will miss you like I always do!!!

From Minnie


Wanna see my SAL :D

for those who havn't seen, let me share mine with you

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