Sunday 30 May 2010

Baby, I'm Falling D:

I'm kind of spazzing out at the moment because the first kiss happened in Personal Taste!!!!



Is it lame that I'm getting so emotional by watching a drama?

I don't think it is.

But at some points in the drama, when Lee Min Ho comes on the screen...I sometimes hear myself growling...I know...I can't help it...he is just so sublime.

I don't know what it is about him...I think its because he is so smooth...everything about him is smooth...LOLOL omg I sound so weird...the girls who read this will know what I mean rofl *sigh*

I was just looking at my blog banner and thinking, that could be just like a person with blonde hair pretending to be GD because you can't see his face, but then I realized it couldn't possible be anyone else because those are definitely his ugly hands...they are so fat aren't they? haha Awwww I would hold those fat hands any day. And he bites his nails - I do that too...especially when I'm stressed...I don't think I have ever had pretty nails. I cannibalize them.

Sarah downloaded some Monkey Majik songs we were listening to them on the way to church this afternoon, but we can't find my favourite song, 'Call Me' anywhere for downloading!!! Its annoying...I love that song. It has English, French and Japanese lyrics :D


Isn't it nice and laid back?

I started playing Final Fantasy VIII again the other day. It feels so lush having time to play games without feeling guilty that you should be doing any uni work or something...

Final Fantasy VIII is the most romantic out of all the ones I've played.

I think Squall is the most handsome RPG character ever!!! Even if he is highly pixelated in gameplay, but I dont care!!!! The cut scenes are still sexy!!!!

He's so unfeeling too, sometimes I feel sorry for Rinoa...then in the end he loves her like crazy and its beautiful *tear*

OMO!!! I'm squealing and laughing so much right now. And Sarah is jumping around the room frantically...this episode 7 of personal taste is extremely shocking hahah...I wish people made reaction videos while watching this...its EPIK!!! I wouldn't have guessed hahahahah ... (calms down)

I'm trying to be vague in case people hav'nt seen it and I don't want to give any spoilers away.

(11:11 :D)

I have loads of pictures to post, but they are all uploaded to the PC so I'll have to post them another time...also me and Sarah sang The Phantom of the Opera and chimpmunked it and its SO funny haha, I will post that later too....Sarah sang Christine's part and I sang the Phantoms....which is weird cos my voice is not manly at all hahah...I was literally screaming anyway...we were just messing about...staying in tune wasn't part of the plan XD

My tummy hurts >_<

I'm quite sleepy now, but Sarah and I are going to watch all of episode 8 so that we will be half way through...HALF TIME...

Tomorrow is bank holiday Monday (public holiday)

We are going shopping I think...I have to put my birthday money in the bank and I want to get some board shorts for when we go on holiday...I've always wanted board shorts but never had any...

I think tomorrow night we are going to see grandpa, I've not seen him in ages.

It feels so weird not having to go to uni any more....but really refreshing.

I'm dying to brush my teeth and wash my face, it feels sticky and icky.

So I am going to do that :)

We only watched half of episode 8 because its 12am and we are sleepy now.

*sigh* Lee Min Ho

Hahah I'm acting like a freaking teenage girl right now.

I met a friend today who I haven't seen in 6 years...she is so mature compared to me...I felt extremely out of place...she told me on msn a few months ago, that I haven't seemed to change all the time she has known me....and she's known me all my life.

The thing is...I'm the eldest out of the two of us rofl

I guess this is just how I am.

The female lead character in Personal Taste reminds me of myself...all her weaknesses are the same as mine...I hope she has a happy ending :D

Well I'm off now!!!

Good night,

Love Minnie

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