Sunday 26 September 2010

Stop Messing With My Head

I just spent the past few hours watching episodes of Arrested Development (Season One). I can never get over how sensationally funny it is.

Why on earth was it not hugely successful?

Well it's common knowledge in the TV world that it is the most underrated sitcom EVER...there was talk of a movie, but I'm sure it was supposed to have come out in 2009.


Also, I may have inadvertently got my sister to join my love of foreheads.

The other day she actually said she understood me when I said I loved them and now I see that she has joined a facebook group about them.

Wow...we are just so weird.

but seriously, foreheads are hot....they just are ok (depending on number of blemishes XD).

Well anyway, the reason we stopped watching Arrested Development was because I started falling asleep half way through an episode (The one where Michael has a one night stand with a blind girl without realising she is blind and then when he finds out he feels bad and can't break up with her, only to find out later that she's the prosecutor in his fathers court case....LOOOL the fake name he makes up for himself when he first started talking to her at the bar 'Cherith Cutestory'....I find this shizz funny MAYN).

So yes, I was falling asleep, and Sarah was like,

'Are you tired? Shall we just go to bed now?'

and I just nodded.

Then after I got a wash I had this awakening (probably cos I washed my face with cold water) and found a bit more energy, so I thought,

'I will write a blog.'

So here I am :D

Two of my friends have started Uni this week. It makes me feel so out of it.

I mean, it just feels like yesterday when I was having my induction on Freshers week and then three years just flew by and I'm just sat here with no job...because all the school dropouts get them...I'm not kidding, they do.

I doesn't really seem fair to me, but I have no idea what the hell to do with my life.

EVERYTHING needs money, without a job I feel like I'm just stuck.

And you know...habbies lose their sparkle when you have time to do them ALL the time.

I think there is a charm in being able to look forward to doing something.

Ahh well. Something will turn up eventually...

I miss studying you know. I was actually thinking of looking at teaching jobs because that would mean I could actually use my brain again...I really miss using my brain you know.

but somehow I don't think I could be employed to teach...I didn't even get my degree (even though I only failed 3 subjects out of like 24) and I'm sure I have the ability to do it...but my lack of confidence is extremely attractiveness to prospective employees.

I'm sorry, I'm talking about boring job stuff again.

I bet when I do get one, I will start to complain about having to get up early and shizz haha......getting up early is no fun at all when you have to get up to do something XD I learned that from my uni days.

A moth flew up my nostril just a bit ago. I was just happily lying in bed and t suddenly flew out of nowhere and found my wasn't pleasant at all and I think I may have killed the moth.

I thought maybe today I would get the Chinese takeaway I have been craving for, but Sarah was reluctant to get one on her way home from going to see Tia (her pony) so I had to make do with eating garlic bread.

I found some in the freezer and popped it in the oven for like 20 mins, but when the timer rang it looked slightly over cooked...I could see the carbon beginning to form...but it was edible at least...

I would have preferred some hot and sour soup though, mmmmm so flavoursome.


You know I have this habit? (yes another one)

I only discovered it last night though

When I feel really bad about something or rather, something makes me feel really bad, I have this default feeling inactivation system...where I can shut off all my emotions so that I feel nothing.

I was so confused last night, because I felt so numb, but not about just one thing, I felt numb about everything...or rather I didn't care about anything and I thought,

'What is wrong with me?'

Then I kind of got this feeling like maybe I was secretly lying to myself so I wouldn't feel hurt and then I thought,

'Ok Min, just pull down your little defence shield for a moment and see what happens.'

This was kind of a mistake because I suddenly got really upset and lonely, but then it was kind of helpful in that it showed me that I do lie to myself.

The weird thing is, I didn't even realise what was happening...its like I unconsciously put up this wall to protect my feelings...

btw, its back up again now...It can only be down for a little while or else people will be able to see the signs of partial heartbroken-ness.

see my 'about me' section to the right there????

This would be the 'pain' and 'torture' I mentioned, focusing mainly on the 'torture' part...

Oh, and I know you know what I mean pal *stares*

Right, I'm going to sleep now before I get irritated, when I'm supposed to be filled with love and compassion.

Its true though, it is the people you care for the most who know how to rub you up the wrong way.

Good Night Dears,

My affection for you grows each passing day *loving smile*

From Minnie


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