Thursday 9 September 2010

Just for You

So here is my REAL blog post for today...

I mean the last one was real, but lacked my usual dramatics.

And as you know, if you regularly follow my blog...I don't just ride the emotional rollercoaster every now and then...I actually live on it.

Today was...pretty good actually. As far as days go.

Dad came home at lunch and shouted up the stairs,


So Sarah and I went down to the shops and bought a few things -

Icing sugar (I couldn't find it before because the packaging has changed XDDD It was right in front of me the entire time)



Some Steak Bakes to eat on the way home

*cough*3 dvds*cough*

and some hair removal cream LOOOOL I've always wanted to see how good it was and it was cheaper than buying new blades for my razor. Its like £7 for two blades!!! Thats FOUL!

So anyway,

I came home and iced my cake, as you can see in the previous post - I think it turned out so good because I was listening to 2NE1's new album while I was doing it.

It somehow gives you more energy to work when you are listening to music...I like 2NE1's new album too.

Every time I see pictures of Park Bom I want to draw her because even though its a real life sketch it still feels like you are drawing a cartoon.

She is just so cute with that perfect bodeh of hers! *girl crush*

Speaking of girl crushes, I bought The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants box set because both movies were in there for just £4 and I simply refuse to miss a dvd bargain, but anyway (btw I read the books first :P)

Yeah and Blake Lively is just so asjdahsjdashbd gorgeous TT___TT I know how guys feel about Taeyang when I see her...its that feeling LOL.

She's less than a year older than me too =.= SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!! *spazzes out*


But remember how I said earlier that I bashed my neighbours was actually on that REALLY bad dad...OMG its been a week since then!!! O: O:

Well anyway I got REALLY depressed earlier because my neighbour gave the bill to my daddy and dad didn't even open it he just handed it to mum.

AND then I looked at it and it comes to like over £200 and my heart sank because I know mum would pay it but I know my conscience couldn't bare it and I know I'm going to have to pay up at least £100....

So then I get angry because I'm going to have to dip into my money I'm saving for travelling and I get even angrier because I know that my neighbours daughters bashed our car once and they didn't even own up to it all we saw was the mark later on where their paintwork had scratched ours...and IS THIS JUSTICE???!!! I mean COME ON!!! OUR CAR IS AN AUDI!!! nuff said ....

I'm just very peeved by it all. and I want a hug.

Anyway, I saw this thingy on fb and decided to fill it in for a laugh

The only problem is I only have one kind of boy at the heart is utterly wretched to me and doesn't give me a choice (not that I mind really)... so this is just me answering questions.


if you a guy- post this as my kind of girl..
if your a girl- post it as my kind of boy..

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

I guess if I like him, he must seem attractive in some way to me :D (What an awesome first answer)

2. Smart?

Oh yeah, at least one of us has to know how to do stuff.

3. Preferred age?

As long as he isn't illegal or over 10 years older, I'm good.

4. Preferred height?

Tall enough to reach.

5. How about sense of humour?

YES! His sixth sense must be in working order...I need him to have this, because its nice when I'm sad.

6. How about piercings?


7. Accepts you for who you are?

He will have to...its one of the reasons why I like him so much

8. Pink hair?

My friends husband already did that...before they were married it was like she showed me her phone and said, 'This is my boyfriend, the one with pink hair.'

So I just feel like it would be copying and unoriginal XD

9. Mushy or no?

Sometimes, but like....not fake...because I believe stuff so easily haha.

10. Thin or fat?

I doesn't matter to me...because honestly, I've liked people of both descriptions at one time or another.

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

Tanned skin...but permanent...oh yeah :)

12. Long hair or short hair?

Can only have long hair if he is able to pull the style off...I detest long hair on ugly people...if you haven't got a pretty face, keep it cropped!! And don't worry...girls have big hearts, they will love you no matter what you look like so at LEAST make an effort for them.

13. Plastic or metal?

I'm completely unsure of what this means...I want to say plastic, but I don't know if that is's just sometimes plastic smells so good...and bubble wrap is made of plastic and I love bubble wrap, I send it to people I love a lot XD

but is metal...and so is silver.

But I have no gold and silver that I cherish yet, so I think the answer will have to be bubble wrap.


14. Smells good?

Yep, he has to smell lovely.

15. Smoker?

EW, I can't abide such a thing (Sorry Jiyong)

16. Drinker?

For me this is more disgusting than smoking...not even an option. I hate it! HATE!

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

I wish he was next door.

18. Muscular

As long has he has the most important muscles, I'm not fussed. Anything extra is a bonus I guess.

19. Plays piano?

Not necessarily...but I do find that hot....(like that bae perf where the piano flies!!! ejakjshdjksahfuweryukjhsf)

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

Nope not really at all...but if he does he has to be Asian...not English or white...(I know it sounds weird, but its a VERY long story and I have issues)

21. Plays violin?

Who does this guy think he is anyway??? Usui???

22. Sings very good (well)?

Hahahahhahahaha, beautiful.

23. Vain?

He has to be aware of how he looks yes.

24. With glasses?

If it helps him see, then of course!!! I don't want him bumping into things! He can have the chic geek look if he wished :D

25. With braces?

Isn't he a little old for this?? Maybe you never get to old for that perfect smile...I LOVE SMILES SO MUCH!

26. Shy type?

I prefer quietly mysterious dark and observing in a corner like Squall type...Isn't Squall hot?

I guess Squall is quite shy....I'd love him to be the Squall type of shy please yes yes....that would be wonderful...because I'm annoying like Rinoa is...just not hot like her.

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?

Depends on the situation...not like those silly rebels who just do it for an image. I mean what is that??? Stupid you know those ones who say they hate their parents and leave home and then get pregnant and stuff...wait...he is a guy LOOOL how can he get pregnant???

ok then, but the guy version of that.

but he has to like having know...

28. Active or passive?

Yes, he has to like verbs fosho!

29. Tight or bomb?

What does this mean????

30. Singer or dancer


31. Stunner?

Stun me please :D

32. Hip hop?

Be the hip to my hop

33. Earrings?

For me?? Oh yes please :)

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?

*sigh* Everyone has a past I guess...but can't be some sort of serial manwhore.

35. Dimples?

Dimples are CUTE!

36. Bookworm?

Sure, can he be a bookworm and a movieworm??

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?


38. Playful?

Yeah like a dolphin (LOOOOL can you tell its late?? I'm getting weird)

39. Flirt.

Isn't flirting like the base instinct? I'd expect much more than that...scary thought?

40. Poem writer? long as our emonessess didn't clash at the same time too often haha...allthough, poetry can be happy too as well as beautiful...why does everyone think it has to be depressing anyway???

41. Serious?

About me? Yeah About important things? Yeah

But not too uptight really....just nicely wonderful.

42. Campus crush?

EW, Uni boys suck.

43. Painter?

What kind?? of Walls? Michaelangelo, Leonardo??? AN ITALIAN MASTER? We could paint fresco's in the moonlight and go skinny dipping in the lake at midnight, then lie under the stars and dream....


I just remembered what Michaelangelo and Leonardo Davinci looked like.

but in my imagination just then all I saw was the hot Greek guy from The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants.

44. Religious?

Believe in God and Heaven and the supernatural?? MOST DEF FO SHO! I can't stand closd minded people who don't.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?

In a good way...

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

Games geek of I can play with him.

47. Speaks 20 languages?

I think his biggest problem will be understanding the language of Minnie...if he can master that I will reward him with many goodnessess.

48. Loyal or faithful?

I am pretty sure he would need to be both.

49. good kisser?


50. loves children??

It doesn't matter as long as he loves his very much.


Its almost 1am!!! O:

But I'm not very tired. Maybe its because I woke at 10am this morning.

To be honest, I'm feeling kind of sad...well maybe I am tired.

I just wish...I dunno.

I guess I feel very un-special at this very moment.

Its just nice isn't it? For someone to tell you that you are special to them every now and then.

And not in like weird ways either, I mean like a proper -

Min, you mean something to me.

----- I just have that feeling now.

Its probably because it's night...and you know how my endorphins (happy hormones) just lag in production at this time of night.

Its like my bodys endorphin production team is having a tea break.


I have to use part of my travel money to pay for a tiny dent in a car TT____TT

Maybe I should just sleep...

Goodnight loves,

May the Force be With you...


Love From Minnie


I love how I feel about you
I love how it changes everything
I love how it can make me happy and sad
I love how it makes me feel alive
I love how it makes me see life differently
I love how somehow, I know something I didn't know before
I love how it causes me to smile
I love how it causes me to cry
I love how it brings out every emotion in me
I love how it makes me feel so full
I love how it breaks me down
I love how it catches me out
I love how it hurts me
I love how it heals me
I love how it makes everything better
I love how it surprises me
I love how it's always there when I wake up


How it's always there when I sleep

but most of all

I love that its you who I love
and I don't regret it and I never have and I wont for ever.


I probably should sleep XD
I guess no matter how much I distract myself and how positively I try to live my days...I just cant stop missing...I don't want I silly? :D

Good Night, Love you

P.S.S. Happy Raya to my family who is celebrating...have lots :D

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