Saturday 4 September 2010

Face Down

So, I've had a pretty busy past few days.

On Wednesday I went to grandmas and stayed there until Friday Night.

It was a good time, I got to see my younger cousins too, which is always fun.

I lent my youngest cousin, Joseph, a Dragon Quest Game for the DS around Christmas time last year, and he only just recently finished it. So he was all excited about it telling me how it finished (Actually, he pretty much spoiled the ending for me but meh haha).

He actually completed it while he was on holiday in France a few weeks ago and called me from the camp site there. I didn't realize he loved the game so much haha bless him.

So anyway on Friday we had a lush family day out to the lake district with Mum and Dad and Sarah and Grandma, William and Joseph and My doggy rofl.

I have pictures but I'll post them later. I'm a bit tired atm and it takes blogger ages to upload piccies.

Most of them are of ducks - I just love ducks, so I couldn't stop taking snaps of them.

It was a pretty active day anyway, we walked loads and I was daydreaming because the scenery was SO like the opening scene of The Notebook movie haha.

Then we had to drop grandma and the boys back to their houses in Manchester and then drive back to Leeds.

I wanted to check my online stuffs, but I was just so tired I couldn't even put my laptop actually, yesterday was entirely internet free - Crazy Stuff.

Today, we went to my friends. I thought we were only going to be there a couple of hours but it ended up that we were there most of the day.

We were just watching movies on her new TV...

Its a lush one...I want to buy a ps3, so I can go to her house and watch bluray on it.

Dang I missed 11:11!!!

I saw 11:10 and thought MUAHAHAHAHHA...and then I looked again and its 11:13 ROFL...looovely.

The funny thing is, the thing thats been on my mind the most today is this -

Iron Man 2.

Yeah I know...Its just been bugging me so much. I really wanted to know when the dvd was due out...there is an empty space on my shelf which calls for iron man 2.

Anyway, I just checked and its not out until October.

I thought it was September T__T

I needed it to come out soon!!! OHHH THE WAITING IS TOO MUCH TO BAARE!!!


If you didn't know yet....I have a thing for superhero movies/cartoons/comics/everything....allthough, I secretly love superman the best, I do tend to have affairs with spiderman, batman, Iron Man and am sometimes partial to a bit of The Human Torch....basically, if you can fly, I kind of really think you are awesome and will you marry me?

When I got home I had a nice lovely chat with Zaty eonnie about how fish in the aquarium near where she lives are like white people who are born in Malaysia.

She thinks I'm twisted.

I don't know why though *kekeke*


I got some new roller blades!

I was all T__T because mum threw my old ones away.

You may not know this, but roller blades are an AWESOME way to keep fit, especially up hill.

It's like major helpful for thigh and bum tonage.

So in the lies MV big bang weren't trying to look cool.

They were having a bum toning session....I think Daesung got the best result.

Shhhh don't tell Zaty eonnie I said that XDDDD

OH YEAH!!!! On the way home from my friends we were following this car in front of us. I forget the make of car...I think maybe Hyundai...but anyway,

There was this soft toy dangling on the inside of the car and I was stretching my eyes to see what it was, because it looked familiar to me.

Then I realized what it was. It was LUFFY!!! From One Piece and he was holding a map of the 'Grandu Linu'.

I kind of need a Luffy soft toy for our car now - even though Sam would probably eat it.

But you can't get stuff like that here in England...and it so happened the driver of that car was an Asian guy anyway (who else would have a Luffy??)...he must know the secret to buying luffy's.

OR maybe there is like a Manga shop somwhere that sells Luffy's at ridiculously high know like for £15 when you can get it from some market in Asia for about £4.

I NEED to find that Luffy!!!

Oh yeah! I have money in my bank account now. I checked it on Thursday and it said £170 and that made me happy.

Though I have to use all my will power now to stop myself from spending it (even on Luffy's).


I feel so rich now after only having £5 in the bank for weeeeks rofl!!!

but I need more.

I won't be caught out again. I want to be able to have money in the future, in case something happens, I will be financially prepared. :D

And of course, I need to visit my family members that are dotted far and wide on this planet.

oh hahaha I said 'dotted'

That gave me a little midnight smile.

Along with YJ coming on the sbox...I love it. We always completely take's like we talk to the other people, but then they suddenly go quiet.

Its like they know...this is YJ and Minnie time not disturb the triplet eonnies during their sbox bonding time.

I reeeallllly hope season three of Merlin starts soon. I'm starting to miss Merlin and Arthurs AWESOME bromance!! I want to see how much more it develops.

(lol that was ridiculously off topic)

It really hot in my to a point of discomfort...but I guess half of that is due to my laptop heating up on my knee.

ahh I really could use a drink of water. Maybe I'll get one after finishing this...

Ah which will be soon I think. I'm getting quite sleepy and I want to get up early for a nice bath tomorrow after being so warm tonight *sigh*


In conclusion...the week has ended in a much more relaxing way than it started...and I am at peace with the world and least for this moment.

If I had to name this week it would be called My Tempestuous and Hormonal Week.

I single handedly proved the song 'Mood Rings' by Relient K to be 100% accurate.

Because I'm just OSM like that!!!

I also left my phone charger at grandmas like a noob....ut luckily I have an adaptor for the computer I can charge it on so *phew*.

My phone is very in-active, but I still guard it with my life anyway.

You never know who might call.....*super coughing fit*

HURMMM, its almost 1am now...and I'm pretty thirsty.

So good Night my dears

I love you so very much

From Your Minnie


I'm up to episode 16 of Kimi ni Todoke!!


I love the characters too they are awesome!!

And the Love Story is SO adorable.

Sarah has claimed Ryuu

Apparently, he is 'Her style'

I can't wait to watch more tomorrow to see what happens.

Zaty eonnie also advised me to watch Down With Love, a Taiwan drama with Ella and Jerry.

So I think Imma take a look at that one, the synopsis sounds quite simply adorable.

Good Night lovelies.

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