Wednesday 15 September 2010

My Happy Thought

Its 11:11 you know :D

You wan't to know something else??

This is my 200th blog post...I've written 200 articles of my life here.

I actually wonder how much is valuable information and how much is just me waffling on.

but yes, 200 BABY!


Today was ... far as family life was concerned it was EXTREMELY IRRITATING this morning.

To be fair, I was being particularly lazy, which is probably annoying...but really I think people should pull the planks out of their own eyes before complaining about a splinter in my eye.

When I took my dog out it was raining, but not like proper rain.

It was the kind like, you know when you go into the mountains and the clouds come down and the air is like actually rain...its hard to describe

Its like being underwater but with oxygen and no sea life...its like air-water.

Well that's what the weather was like when I took the dog out.

Omg, reading that over, I've just realized how weird I must sound.

OH never mind, at least I know what I mean.

I got the Prince of Persia DVD the other day, because I happened to pass the DVD section in the supermarket and it simply slipped by accident into my basket.

anyhoo, Sarah and I watched it, but I was talking to my friend the other day and she said she has never seen it so I was like,

'YAY I'll come over and watch it!'

Because she has just got a new HD TV and I wanted to have the full movie experience :D

She should so let me babysit more often so I can just sit and watch my dvd's at her house.

It was fun anyway and apparently I was lucky, because Sarah told me later on that there were some stinking attitudes at home, which means I missed stuff that would only annoy me...

poor Sarah had to suffer alone today....mianhe Sarah.

I've decided to go to sleep at 12 tonight...I've had some really good nights of sleep recently and I want to keep it up, because it is having a positive effect on my complexion (which was having a bad time recently).

This means I only have 15 minutes to finish this post :D

Make that 10.

You know what is good?

Being in love...

It's so darn good. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

It's so completely wonderful even I am at a loss for words...and that, is quite an amazing thing in its self...

And you know what I often think?

If I could somehow channel this feeling into every area of my life I would be the happiest flipping person on the planet.

A change of heart??? What is that anyway?

You only get one heart in your life. You can't change it.

You can only give it away and if things go wrong you have to make use of what is left.

Well that's how I manage anyway...

I'm not someone who changes easily...I'm not like the wind...I'm like a duck

Like I said before, I may not seem like I have feelings because I am the weirdest expresser of emotions.

e.g. I laugh at the wrong times

but, I assuredly feel very strongly about some things...because it's something that is precious to me.

For real.

Its 00.03am...Sleep now.

Good Night,

Love From Minnie.


How im thrilled to know you
Unaffected I remained
How I've learned to like you
Undeterred I do remain

Less daunting as team
You unlikely king by my side
And me so much better for trusting you

My hand over your heart while you
keep hindrances at bay
Colour me surprised by how our union saves the day

How ive grown to need you
As my soldier need fades
How i love to love you
And how'd I remain

I Remain by Alanis Morissette (not all, just my fave verses)

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