Sunday 5 September 2010

I Don't Want to Say I'm Right, I Just Want You to Know ~

I hit my 4000th tweet today...though I didn't realize till after.

so yeah....that's it. haha

I'm kind of Luffy spazzing again this week after seeing the stuffed toy in the back of that car.
Luffy is just asdkgasdmnalshdkasd


Anyway, on a more serious note.

Today was one of those know, the kind of day that can make you or break you.

And Ladies and Gentlemen...I'm happy to announce - That I - Minnie ************* Davies

did not break....

I actually feel pretty good really...I mean this morning, I REEEALLLY could have spazzed out...but maybe I've just run out of spazz (or bitch hormones), because I'm just happy to be alive.

The thing is...there are situations which actually look different than what they really are.

I've learned from experience (like last week) that sometimes jumping to conclusions makes you look like an Idiot.

And you know what?

I love my friends and family...every single one of SOSOSO much.

I love you - you group of gorgeous. imperfect, simply amazing people who sometimes make silly mistakes, but are just so completely sDFPIDSHLKGNSDFSDFH I sometimes can't handle it!

Everything about you...your rights and your wrongs....your intelligence and your stupide
ness....your ugliness and your beauty.

I'm just SUPER SUPER glad I am alive to know you *adds 500000000000000++++ more SUPERS*

Life should be looked at from this perspective will find yourself thinking,

'Eish friend, you are so stupid, but I love you so freaking much.'

That's how I would like people to look at me when I do something wrong anyway.

So that's my outlook on life today...I just want everyone to be friends.

We all have our differences I know and we clash at time to time, because some people can be completely unaware of the craziness going on around them...but this is what you have to do.

You have to look at that person and ask yourself a question,

'Do I want this person in my life?'

And most of the time you find that the answer is


It's SO important to look at a person for what they are and not what you want from them.

Because that's how you discover the beauty in people.

I hope I'm making sense...I just feel right now that this is how I want to look at things...this is how I am striving to be.

and also!!

Listen to people who care about you!!!

This post is a kind of reminder to myself too, but I wanted to share it with everyone...because thinking this way, made me feel really good and positive today.

And I want everyone I know to feel wonderful...I really do.

And I don't like my friends to be sad...because sdagsdkjaskjdhnsjhaiuhdkjas!! I can't even put into words *sigh*

Don't let people get you down...because you don't know how they feel either...I know from experience that people sometimes hurt you when they themselves are hurting....


HURM!! So anyway, onto less seriousnessess -

I was reading my old blog posts from 2009 and laughing.

Its amusing how my emotions go up and down and all over the place...I guess there is always some noob I can blame for that muahaha....poor me.

I hope I can look at these blogs this time next year and write new ones saying,

'Awwww remember when I used to wish so hard to travel and see my friends....and as I write this, they are sat right next to me...''s my secret dream haha


I'm totally craving kimi ni todoke atm...but Sarah is watching Nodame Cantablile downstairs and she has started watching kimi ni todoke with me now so I can't watch it without her kdhskjdajks.

That child has me wrapped around her little finger.

I have a confession.

I'm high on high giggling to myself as I type kind of high.

This is how I combat stress. I get high out of my mind on caffeine...

omg lololololol

This whole post has been fuelled on caffeine and pure honest opinion.

My heart feels so full....I'm so scared its just the caffeine.

but maybe it's not because Ive only had one cup...because we didn't have milk earlier and I couldn't have any.

Oh T___T what am I talking about??


Dear oh dear....and now Im talking to YJ on the sbox again!!! Its so lush!!

I love to just talk crazy with her....sometimes life gets waaay to serious its just fun to let loose!!

It feels like old times on the sbox...when there was that warm family feeling....I just loved back then djahsdhas

I miss the old Sbox ~

Im gonna shut up for now and chill some.

I will leave you with a lovely bit of poetry which is EXTREMELY how I feel about sdfjksdhffds

So here it is -

Sonnet XVII by Pablo Neruda

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep


Isn't that just such a beautiful poem??

Anyway....I hope you my readers and friends can be happy...I just can't abide the thought of you being sad...



dasjdnmasdn Im trying to upload the rest, but it keeps on failing.

So I will upload the others maybe tomorrow!!!

There are so many more ducks where that came from.

Ok...Imma post this.

COntinue being wonderful!

Love From Min


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