Monday 18 October 2010

Some Things Don't Need A Reason

Yes it wasn't an allergy, I have a full on cold. JOY!

I want to put my hands down my throat and just scratch it cos its SO itchy (there's a nice mental image for you haha).

I think this is a test to try and prevent me from thinking positive!

Well it wont work because even though my head feels like it's not a part of my body and even though my trachea feels like it is being attacked with a thousand needles I WILL MAINTAIN MY POSITIVE ATTITUDE.

I'm lucky really because my head feels so heavy, I can't even think properly, so I'm kind of unfeeling at the moment.

For example I was talking to someone earlier, one of the only people who has the ability to shove me into the seat of my emotional rollercoaster and turn it on at full speed...and yet I was replying like a robot and kept dozing off...I just want to sleep all the time.

I know I'm always saying I'm tired, but I NEVER sleep during the day.

I went to the job centre earlier and the lady just put me through straight away because I looked like a microwaved dead person.

The next time I have to go is the 1st of November. Time just FLIES!!!

I can hear buzzing noises inside my that even normal?

Sam's ears buzz you know. His ears actually makes a sound. If you listen near his head you can hear it. I'm not even joking.

I found out it did this when he was a puppy. I was just cuddling him and I could hear this high pitched squeaking noise and realised it was coming from Sam's ears.

When I told the vet he looked at me like I was joking and didn't even Sam has had noisy ears ever since, but it doesn't seem to bother him.

I suppose he just completes the circle of weirdness that is my life.

You see, Minnie can't just have a dog - she has to have a special dog who's ears make sounds.

Everything in my life is like that - special...or rather 'special' or special hahaha

Ughhh I really feel an awesome desire to rip out my throat, the discomfort is horrendous.


I'm going to dedicate all tomorrow to getting better by getting a nice bath and then eating every immune system boosting pieces of food I can get my hands on.

The last two episodes of Playful Kiss will be aired this week T_____T I will miss it!!! It seems to have been completed REALLY fast!

The preview for ep 15 looks sfksdjhgfiusgfbjksdfskdhf!!!

I can't make out if they get married there or not though - I think the preview is hiding things from me.

BECAUSE it intimates that they 'seal the deal'..buuuut in the Taiwan version they only did THAT after they were my guess is that they get married in episode 15 and they are HIDING that fact from us by not showing any wedding clips in the preview at ALL!!! DDDDDDDDDDDD:


ALSO!!! I wonder who wears the dress at the wedding because in the Taiwan version the guy wears the dress and the girl wears the suit, WHICH IS JUST RIDICULOUS!!!

(but then I am not entirely against the thought of Hyun Joong in a me weird buuut.....yeah nevermind, just call me weird).

*sigh* I need help.

So Sarah finished watching the Avatar series today and I'm happy to say that she now feels the emptiness that you get when it's all over.

I am also happy to say that I have watched it all twice within the space of a few months cus I'm a crazy fangirl chick person.

I feel empty if I have nothing to spazz over...I've been this way ever since I have been alive.

Kpop was waiting for me...its like it was hand crafted especially for me. A whole genre made for the spazzing needs of others is indeed a marvel.

My mum wanted me to edit and write my own version of this story because she wants to use it as a narrative in a Christmas Event, but I just couldn't do it tonight. I tried to think but I just am not physically up to the challenge.

I mean...its taken me a whole day just to write this shizz...and honestly, I don't really think when I write it hahaha.

I think she is a little annoyed at me for not doing it today, but I'm sure if she felt how I felt now she'd understand..

I really wish there was some kind of vacuum machine that I could attach to my ears and nose and it could just suck all the icky horribleness away.

My nose is so sore huhuhuhu

Maybe I should make an attempt to sleep while the last batch of paracetamol I took are still taking effect.

Night Everyoonnneeee,

Love from Min

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