Monday 25 October 2010

Counting Sheep

Im at Dora's atm staying for the night so I don't have to travel early in the morning to come and babysit Judah.

Im SO glad I connected my laptop to the wireless here last time I came XD

Dora has gone to bed and her sis did too, and I just am not tired enough to sleep yet.

You know when you stay at someone's house and you can't get to sleep easily because it's a strange place?

Well I'm tired, but I just wanna make sure that I get a good night's I'll stay awake till 12am and then I'll probably just drift to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

It's not so bad at Dora's house though because I'm comfortable here, but I do tend to overthink when I'm trying to get to sleep.

Last time I was here I sent someone a text about how I missed their nose...don't blame me though, when I'm lonely I miss weird things...and it is a lovely nose...

That can be my 9th Like -

That nose.


Its 11:11!

I don't wish though, I pray.

I pray that I sleep and that it lasts ever so long. My head is already drooping haha.

This bed is really comfy though, but I miss Sammy...even though you don't always see him in the house, you always know he is somewhere about and of course, I don't get that feeling here.

My little baby dsjdkajsdka

On BBVIP they were talking about arranging a trip to go to Big Show 2012 and it's all very exciting talking about it, but it's kind of so far in the future you have no idea what will happen between now and then...there might not even be a Big Show 2012...Big Bang don't tend to stay with the same routine for too long.

All I know is, I wanna see my friends in my own time and in the place that is best for us...and I'd rather see them before 2012 LOL...not that I mind the idea of having a VIP trip, it's a nice idea and it would be lovely if it worked just seems very stressful to me ahahah, maybe it's because I'm feeling sleepy right now.

Cus you know, if I were any more laid back I would totally fall over (kekekeke).


I got my Iron Man 2 dvd today *smiles*

It's just well awesome and impressive.

*sigh* I do love a good superhero flick.

Anyway, Im almost completedly KO'd so I need to sleep.

G'night darlings :D

Love From Min

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean! Whenever I sleep over at a friend's house or friends sleep over here, I'm always the last to fall asleep because it's a different situation than what I'm used to.
