Friday 9 July 2010

New Days Ahead

Now I will be blunt.

I didn't get my degree...

I failed three modules and you can only retake if you have failed two.

The worst part is that I failed Wildlife Management...which was one of the subjects I was most interested in and I felt very confident in that subject.

It's too late to complain though.

So I get a 'certificate of Higher Education' which is the successful passage through my first and second years...but it's not a degree and I will not be getting letters at the end of my name.

Sad isn't it?

I had to text Jae because I was depressed and he makes me feel better haha, but I forgot it would be really early for him, good job he was still awake :D

Actually, I wasn't upset about it at all really...just slightly confused.

But then I spoke to my grandma and she sounded upset...not angry, but I could tell she was disappointed.

I cried after I hung up,

then my mum told me not to have a -

'pity party'

This is why I hate crying in front of people.

Sarah came up to my and gave me a hug and some chocolate and said,

'You smell like KFC.'

I thanked her and ate the chocolate.

I wondered how long it would take for mum to throw my failure back into my face...I thought probably maybe she would leave it a month and then use it against me for the rest of my life.

But she made a record today and used it against me in a matter of three hours.


Then she said something along the lines of,

'If your bedroom is an example of what the inside of your head is like, then God help you.'

To be honest the whole house has had a bad atmosphere and my parents are pretending they don't care, but its all lies because my dad hasn't spoken to me or looked at my face since I told him.

So I felt not to bad about it at first, but now It feels considerably worse.

I want to bury myself in a deep pit and never return.

However, there is one HUGE consolation, which is -

I will never have to set foot inside my uni ever again as long as I live.

And another,

I have completed 3 years of university and even though I failed the final one I still completed at least I'm not a drop out.

and also,

My final project/dissertaton

was a PASS.

So now I'm going to forget about it and move on with my life.

I will live and learn.

If uni has taught me anything it is 'how to be a bad student'

My straight A record in high school has been utterly and thoroughly shot to pieces.


In other news Zaty Eonnie made a suggestion today which I like very much.

'Lets go to Big Show 2012 all together.'

It just might work if we plan it right. It gives us loads of time to save up and everything.

And by then we will be older and more mature *cough*

And and also!!!


LOL, I'm going to be so eruigaebhrwhoirlkqn when it comes.

Though I would like to use it before 2012 too.

AND I have to use it when YJ eonnie gets married!!! hahaa Thats one wedding I would hate to miss!!!

I think I will appreciate this passport more because it took me so long to get.

and I really have no idea why I am blogging about passports....again....I'm sorry if I'm being boring.

Ah well, it's 12:38am and I'm tired...the future is looking very vast and open in front of me...but not's kind of a relief actually, seeing it there with no barriers.

Good Night,

Love from Min

P.S. I don't need sympathy my darlings just lots of *hugs* and I don't mind if they are cyber *hugs* or not :D


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