Saturday 20 November 2010



I've not updated my blog for an UNHOLY amount of days...which may give the false perception that I've actually been having a life, but that would be a lie.

The real deal is that from Wednesday night to Friday night I was off babysitting again, but this time my sis came with, so it wasn't as bad.

Thursday night I was supposed to go out with Sarah and Dora to celebrate Sarah's birthday, but I ended up getting a splitting headache and just went to bed really early while they went out and enjoyed themselves *sigh*

I think I got ill because I was watching TV and concentrating on the laptop at the same time so the next day I decided to give the internet a break, cos I didn't want to induce another terrible headache like that especially while I was supposed to be taking care of the baby.

And just in case you were wondering, he sleeps a lot, which gives me ample time to chat and so my usual no-life shizz...when he is awake he has my full attention ^__^

It was better babysitting with Sarah there, you get less of those lonely pangs. I have to go back next week too, but alone probably. Its not that I don't like it...but you know, there's no place like home....I must confess...actually never mind, kekeke.

Allthough when I actually did get home, I had my first reaaaally awful nights sleep in ages LOL...I just saw a note on tumblr that says what the top ten causes of brain damage are.

I managed to get 7/10 which is VERY bad really.

But anyway, one of them is 'sleeping with the blankets over your head.'

I was like,


at the screen.

Maybe this is why it feels I'm becoming more brainless as each day goes by.

I fell asleep at 2am last night and then woke up around naturally I am so VEREH tired at the moment.

Another one of the top 10 causes of brain damage was 'lack of sleep.'

Go figure babes.

So today, I managed to put some rubbish in a bag...which is my version of cleaning. I did make some cupcakes too...only to discover later that I didn't have enough eggs to make the icing...which is kind of a fail on my part, but I'm hoping they will be delicious on their own...I haven't tried yet because my appetite is rubbish this week.

Hopefully going to grandmas will induce the FEASTING MONSTER within usually does, cos grandma makes much lush food!

She also has loads of snacks in this cupboard and it just calls to you sometimes.

This is making me feel hungry, but I know that when I go to find something to eat, nothing will appear.

I don't know why I even expect things from those cupboards.

Ohhh Im just vereh vereh tired...and kind of irritated...for some reason people like to be irrational very late in the evening when I just cant be bothered arguing.

LOOL I find it hilarious when people write 'some people' when its obvious they only mean one person...and I just did it like a pro!

Sometimes dongsaengs are so blunt -

Leslie says (00:03): *huh

MinnieDragon says (00:04): *sorry Im writing crap cos Im shattered XDD

Leslie says (00:04): *hahaha
*i know you are lol
*but hey, you always write crap lmao

She knows me well XD

Im not going to even begin to try and dissect the conversation me and my sister are having on msn...its way too crypic for the minds who will be reading this...even Im not sure what it means...if it actually means anything.

But somehow it reassures thing in my life that I can always count that my sister will always be there when the need for utterly strange conversation arises.

And now I need to brush my teeth and sleep!!!

Hopefully I will sleep more tonight.

Gooood Nighhhht

Love Minnie