Sunday 7 November 2010

How Could I Plan on Forever, When I never Planned on You

I'm really tired so this is going to be a short one.

My sister just told me that my typing,

'Isn't just any typing...your typing is disgusting and I hate it.'

which means

'Please don't blog for long because you will keep me awake.'

I didn't end up going to Manchester because of an absolutely ridiculous occurrence that put me through several emotional changes within the space of six hours.

To put it simply - my dad in an irrational attempt to teach me a lesson decided that it would be best to lock me out of the house without money food or drink while they went to Manchester.

I was basically wandering around my town for 6 hours with my dog - yes he was locked out with me.

I was so angry at first, then I was upset but the most overwhelming emotion was that of utter boredom.

and it was also very cold. England in November is not the best place to be locked out in.

and I spend a lot of time sat on the park bench venting my fury to Zaty eonnie via text.

To put it short, I have had a lot of exercise today and I wouldn't be surprised if I have a cold tomorrow.

I'm not angry at my dad anymore...I haven't spoken to him yet, but I'm not angry at him. He is my daddy after all.

I have this feeling that everyone I love likes to punish me in order to test my affection. You know, say awful things to me or do awful things to me in order to somehow mould me into what they want.

It confuses me at times.

Like for example just now I was lying on the floor cuddling Sam and my mum said to me,

'You are so lazy and selfish and you get tired even when you do nothing and you get stressed out over the smallest of tasks.'

Its like she forgot I just got home after babysitting at someone elses house for 5 days and today from 8:40am to 3:00pm I was walking around all over the place just to keep warm.

I think I have the right to be tired.

I just didn't even reply to her. I can't be bothered anymore, I just said to Sarah,

'I think mum will say I'm lazy no matter what I do.'

I know myself and I know when I am being lazy and selfish and I know I didn't deserve that statement from her.

Anyway, I'm just going to forget about the first half of today, at least I didn't have to go to Manchester and I got to spend time with my I can take positives away from it, even if it is some crazy shizz.

I did cry though. It seems Sunday's are the 'lets be cruel to Minnie and make her cry' days.


So I started writing a little story to post on my posterous. It kind of popped into my head in a moment of inspiration so I'm really looking forward to posting it...after its all been written of course :D

This evening was a chick flick evening. Sarah and I watched The Wedding Planner and Sweet Home Alabama.

We came to the conclusion that the best chick flicks are the ones that can make you cry, which both of the above mentioned do.

There are so many cheap rom com's nowadays. They are far too concerned with how fast the lead role's can bed each other that they miss out on the meaningful know, like loving someone forever.

Alright, I'm going to leave it here for tonight. My pillow calls me.

Love from Minnie

P.S. I feel so numb inside recently :/


  1. Lmao!! You were locked out of your house for six hours?! I would be so pissed off for days if my parents did that to me

  2. Yup LOLOL

    I was so angry for like three hours...I cba being mad for long its too strenuous and I'm lazy rofl.
