Sunday 14 November 2010

Hands Down

Ohhhh I've had a long day today!

It started out like me waking up later than I planned and then having an argument with my dad because I REEEEEAAAALLLY did NOT WANT to go to Manchester.

Anyway it got to the point where he was like,

'IF YOU AREN'T READY IN 20 MINUTES YOU ARE OUT OF THIS HOUSE FOR GOOD!!! I MEAN IT!' here I am at 22 years of age, still being dragged around by my parents and they blackmail me with homelessness.

Its clearly obvious that I have not yet gained the maturity (or the income) to live by myself. However, I do contribute what I do get to the house and to living and buying food and shizz...they seem to forget that though.

I know I may not be as energetic and motivated as other 22 year olds...but I am an adult and sometimes I really feel they like to keep me in my place, like I'm still a teenager or foetus or something.

I dunno, I feel like I'm writing a bratty essay, but I'm not even mad at the moment. I'm just trying to write down how I feel so I can make out what they want from me. And then maybe I can find a way how to tell them there is also stuff I want from myself and for myself.

because I feel like I'm not doing what I want and making my own life because Im too busy being a part of their lives.

Sometimes I have to spill out my thoughts so I can put them into some order or form so I'm less confused.

At the moment I feel like my parents are pushing me towards independence and at the same time chaining me to a wall.

Its very confusing man....but maybe its just me being immature and stupid I dunno.

I'm sincerely trying to make things work here...and Im just so bad at it LOOOoOOL.

continuing with todays story...

We went to Manchester, it was ok, nice seeing friends and stuff. Just irritating that we moved to Leeds to for the church why are we travelling to Manchester every Sunday??? HUHHHH???!!!!

Next Sunday too I think huhuhuhhu.

So anyway, after Manchester we came back home to see Sam and then we went to the store to buy Judah a present cos it was his first birthday party tonight. We got him some really cute clothes cos my dad kind of spazzea about buying baby clothes.

He finds it cute how you can buy minature versions of grown up clothes hahaha.

We bought him a suit with a waistcoat and a tie...he will look like a little Bae haha.

Its so cute.

Well we got to the party and I got attacked by this 10 year old who has no idea about personal space.

The first thing he did as soon as I entered the door was walk behind me and tickle me
and then stand ridiculously close.

I was like running away from this child!

Anyway I found that standing in a corner with a plate of food was very effective in keeping people away from me.

But it was funnn anyway. Judah was so cute!!!

Anywayy, its 00:39 and Ive just been asked,

'MINNNEHHHH when are you going to sleep???'

and Im like,

'In a minuuuteee'

and he was like

'Reaaaalehhh Minnehhhhh?'

and I was like,


So I guess I should.

Sooo good night darlingggss!!!!





  1. Parents suck, they need to shut up once awhile and stop being such hitlers. You need to move out with a friend or a boyfriend. And I know I'm awesome and sexy XD

  2. I don't think it would be any better living with a friend. Blood is thicker than water. I'd much rather be able to support myself than rely on people who are not my parents...even if they to spazz out at me from time to time at least I know how to handle their weirdnesses.
