Sunday 22 August 2010

Where on Earth???

I am currently GAWKING over a tumblr called 1000 most romantic places in the world.

(Check it out, its the shizz:

It's kind of visually stunning to maximum levels.

It makes me sick at heart that I will never be able to go to them ALL.

Well, I've been to one of them so Edinburgh can be crossed off LOL...not that I can remember much of being there considering I was 3 or 4 at the time.

All I remember is walking along a beach at night and finding a starfish and there was a fair in the distance and then going to some ones house and their kids tried to make me wear a kilt which I violently refused and then hid under a table to get away from them while all the parents laughed.

I remember weird little things like this.

So yeasss I'm getting increasingly jealous of those people who are just able to up and travel to various gorgeous places in the world and have lots of wonderful experiences like that.

It would be so cool to have one of those romantic lifestyles, you know the kind - You just leave home with a backpack and a few belongings and travel the world earning money by street painting. Collecting memories and wonderful things as you go along.

Then when you get old you have this amazing heritage to leave for your grandchildren and they will want to be just like you.

I wish I could be like that...I mean, I probably could, but I have this mental barrier that stops me from progressing once I get to a certain point.

For example - the day I finished univerity -

'I'm free now!!! I have the world at my door!!'

A few weeks later -

'I have to get a job to earn money so I can do the things I want, but then I only have a certain amount of holiday time to do those things in.'

Ah me and my overthinking - It even gets in the way of my dreams.

I should actually think like this -

'I have to get a job and save a LOT of money so I can then drop the job and do the things that I want.'

Or something like that LOL

OMO! There is only one section in this tumblr about England and it says we have bad food XD

It may be basic, but Its definitely not bad...I'd describe it as - HEARTY and FILLING.

And it's kept me alive for 22 years...although to be honest, my blood is probably almost pure curry...I think I was weaned on curry...I don't understand why I still like eating the stuff.

But yes, I want to travel...sooooo badly!!!

Won't someone just carry me away??



Well my day!!!

Its been....actually, just watch this - I explain it better here XD *lazy*

Its true what I said though.

I just can't seem to find anything to do...I mean, of course, there is stuff I can do, but my drive seems to have dissapeared...along with other things.

I try to keep my mind active but it's like a boomerang returning to the same thoughts.

LOL you can tell I'm writing this at a previous time of day than the above paragraphs.

I get so negative at night time.

And I think that's what keeps me awake and restless during the night. I despair of myself at times.

I wish I could just shut my mind off at night, in fact, I wish I could switch everything off...even feelings and be in like this comatose state where my body can just re-energize.

I have this like feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.... :S
I wish it would go away...and that every nice feeling in the world would come back.

I really hate swearing - sorry about the abrupt change in subject.

Maybe that's one of the things that makes me seem uptight...but it just seems so cheap to me.

Its like the fashion crime of can have a better way of expressing yourself, yet you choose to use cheap words - like buying fake designer stuff.

That's how I see it anyway, but then I'm like the English language police ROFL.

Obviously I sometimes swear, but I feel really common after I've said it

I don't know why I'm talking about this...well I guess it's just another part of me. Another little glimpse into how I tick.

Even though at the moment my ticking is a little off.

I'm really kind of not ok...

Gonna go to sleep and hope that I don't have disturbing dreams about rejection and heartbreak.

Goodnight Loves

From Minnie

P.S. I'm sorry for being so darned the romantic places blog...its really lovely.


P.S.S. Lily just made me laugh...SHE IS AWESOME!!! Thats a first gen!! :)

P.S.S.S Someone in my news Feed on FB just called Man U noobs because they drew.... LOOOOOL You don't call the ALMIGHTY REDS noobs...unless you are a know nothing noob.

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