Friday 6 August 2010

My Source of Smiles and Tears

I straightened my hair today!!!

I did it initially so that I could see how long it actually is...

because you know, my hair is curly so its deceitful and looks shorter than it is.

Anyway, it turns out its pretty long and needs a good cutting, because it has absolutely no shape or style whatsoever...other than the length.

So I took a picture anyway...or rather, Sarah took the picture, I just sat there.

Here it izzz -

I don't straighten my hair a lot, because

1. It damages and breaks it
2. I always miss the curls when I've straightened half my head
3. It takes about an hour because my hair is too fudging long and curly
4. It gets greasy quicker when its straight because I'm always smoothing it with my hands.

Its funny, when I was little or early teens I used to want straight hair so much, but now I am glad its curly.

Because its easier to make curly hair straight than it is to make straight hair curly :D

and I'm lazy like that.

And this is how it looks from the front -

Shall I have it up or down for going to the restaurant? hmmm...


But yeah, I'm gonna get it cut soon...or at least trimmed a little and styled.

I kind of like the length though :)


Soooo, that was a delicious yummy and fantastic meal.

We went for Indian food (curry MUAHAHHAHAHAHAhaHaHaHAHHAHA thats two nights in a row).

I had chicken biriyani, but couldn't finish it!! I was just SO full!!! Even now my tummy is sticking out because of all the food I ate.

I think I got full too fast because I drank before my meal.

I took pictures anyway. I will post them in my next blog. I'm too tired to upload then at the moment.

Thats so lazy I know.

I mean it wasn't that long ago that you had to go get your pictures developed and that took hours!!

And now I cant even be bothered connecting the camera to the lappy with a wire....this is what happens when technology progresses...we become lazy haha.

But I guess we make gadgets and etc. to make life easier anyway, so meh.

Im really tired.

I have no reason to be, because I've not done anything of worth today.

I can't actually remember what I've done :S

OOOO 11:11pm!!! I caught the 11:11am too muahahah....someone is thinking of me :)

I dont actually believe that. I just like to think it might be true anyway *sigh*

Wow, I really am so sleepy. I just want to wash my face and get my PJ's on and get a good nights sleep.

Last week I went to bed past 1am on almost everyday, but woke up the next morning at 8am, so I'm kind of shattered.

Not that it wasn't worth it, cos it so was.

like 1234567898765432 worth it.

I better sleep soon tonight anyway, because I want to wake early so I can get a bath.


did you know if you shave with hair conditioner your legs feel smoother?

Thats a random useless fact, but there you are. Sarah told me she read it in a fashion magazine.

I aint using my conditioner on my legs though - not when it is £5 a bottle and very rapidly diminishing.

I may buy some cheap stuff though, just to try.

Maybe Im just tired and delusional, but don't you think TOP's name is cute?

I mean, its called TOP!!! Who calls themselves that??? ROFL

Think about it, and it will make you smile...

Its like, we accept the fact he is called TOP and we refer to him as TOP.

Sorry maybe I'm high on sugar or something, but Its making me giggle to myself.

TOP is such a darling though. How can you not like him?

Ah!! I keep lying down and closing my eyes! But I have to get ready for bed yet wjhgewgeh.

I should just shut up and sleep shouldn't I

Hmmm ok I will

Goodnight my dear ones and lovely one,

Sweet Dreams for me I hope

LOVE Minnie

P.S. You know those times when you are just overflowing with love and affection and you just want to hug something to death and skdghwejbnwkedhasdhksjdbsd isn't even enough to describe how you feel?

yeahhh *sigh*


*cough* I mean....I'm watching youuuu :)

Baby cow cuteness :)

I loved talking on msn to YJ eonnie tonight :D She makes me smile

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