Thursday 19 August 2010

I'm not Capable of Saying Goodbye


It's definition changes with every person.

There comes a point in a persons life, when they have to accept they are mature and then begin to act like they are.

Everyone gets mature physically at the usual stage...

but, being mature in mind is a totally different matter.

For example

When I was in my early teens I was considered mature for my age.

And in my early 20's I'm considered immature for my age.

So when do things change?

Maybe maturity isn't when our actions change, but when we know who we are and what we are meant to do.

Or maybe, maturity is something other people label you as.

Everyone has their own definition of it.

This is mine -

Someone who accepts that they are immature and yet is still willing to learn, who is scared of responsibility but still tries to be responsible and someone who knows the value of having fun. Someone who can apologize and accept when they are wrong and someone who can forgive when they have been wronged.

I could go on forever.

but to be honest...I don't think we are ever fully mature until we are dead

Our foundation started off as being a child, if foundations are taken away the structure will fall.

We should never neglect our inner child, never forget what that child dreamed...and always try and make those dreams come true.

and that was my rant of the day (kind of)

or maybe it should be called an opinion of the day, because I'm just not angry at all...I'm perfectly relaxed and as comfy as a fluffy pillow.....

It was my minopinion of the day! Booyah!


On another note...why do some women find Jason Statham attractive?? Because I can't seem to find words to describe how deeply unattractive he is.

Am I missing something??? :S

Maybe I just have finer taste...or like guys who have hair...or something.


I'm giggling so much at YJ and I with our habit of replying to celebrities on twitter with - JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

Tonight we have replied to three kpop artists in this exact manner

here is proof -

Spammage of Jo Kwon of 2am

Spammage of Junsu of 2pm

Spammage of Taeyang of Big Bang

(yes, no one is immune to the JJJ spamming of YJ and Minnie - not even Youngbae)


And of course, just to brag about the awesome - ness of VIP's and how we like to waste hours of our time trending Big Bang on Twitter...well at least we got a result this time...and for two days straight.

#happygday was the most tweeted topic in the world for about 3 hours, in commemoration of the Kwon Leadah's 22nd Birthday.


#bigbang4ever was at the TOP in celebration of the 4th Anniversary since Big Bang's debut in 2006.

Oh yes I am biased :)

Why the hell not?

Its like I like my dog better than all the other dogs in the world, but that doesn't mean I love the other dogs less, I just like my dog the most.... get it?

Why do I have feel the need to minopinionate a lot today?

It just seems like some people like to state their own opinions, but don't care about mine....

I'm not bitter or anything....I'm just saying............


I get so wound up about stupid things LOOOOL

Minnie you Idiot

Its ok, I'm completely cool and stuffs *breathes*

Ohh, now I'm talking to myself...HAHAHAHAH

I'm sorry for being such a noob sometimes T____T


*COUGH* moving on...

Why aren't guys really like that??? THEY SHOULD BE!!!


Its so lovely *sigh* (not perverse at all *sniff*)

and I heart those piano chords at the beginning of the song,


LUSH - I love the sound of the piano so much TT____TT

Did you know I can play the Saxaphone??? :D

Well sort of...I had to drop my classes because my Saxaphone was too old and it broke and I couldn't afford to buy a new one.

I loved playing that too *sigh*

Anyway, I'm kind of lost for what to say and I saw this thing on tumblr so I decided to fill it in for myself...I suppose other than I tend to rant you don't know THAT much about me and I thought you might want to know a little more about the person who writes these blogs so here I am in a nutshell :)

1. Are you single - Yes
2. Are you happy - Not completely
3. Are you bored – Not really - I like writing my blogs :D
4. Are you naked - No
5. Are you a blonde - Nope
6. Are you moody – I'm so moody I can't put it into words - but thankfully a lot of those moods are good ones.
7. Are you a lover/hater - Lover

1. Name – Michelle
2. Nicknames – Minnie, Min, Eonnie, Nuna, Cow
3. Any birth marks - Not really
4. Hair color – Red
5. Natural hair color - Red
6. Eye color - Green
7. Height - 5’2
8. Mood - Content for now
9. Favorite colour – Green
10. One Place You Want to Visit - Asia (LOL, vague - like I'm going to be specific HAH)

1. Do you believe in love at first sight – Yes (guilty)
2. Do you believe in soul mates - Yes
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - OMG everyday :D
5. Have you ever broke someone’s heart? - I don't think anyone has loved me enough.
6. Ever had your heart broken? - cracked maybe...not broken
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? - Yes
8. Are you afraid of commitment? - No
9. Who was the last person you hugged? - My sisters Piano teacher LOOOOOOOL
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? YJ

1. Love or lust - Love
3. Cats or dogs – Dogs (even though I love both, but I own a dog not a cat)
4. A few best friends or many regular friends - A few best.
5. Television or internet - Internet
6. Chinese Or Indian - Indian.
7. Wild night out or romantic night in – Anywhere as long as it's with you baby ~ OH dat funny :).
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness of course...however, I would like both.
9. Night or day - Day
10. Msn or phone - Phonecalls are LUSH and rare...msn is necessary and easy...I only like phonecalls from people whose voices I wanna hear...not salespeople from Scotland

1. Been caught sneaking out – No.
2. Been skinny dipping - Yes
3. Bungee jumped – No
4. Finished an entire jaw breaker – Yes
5. Lied to someone you liked – Yes
6. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – Nope
8. Cried yourself to sleep? - Yes
9. Cried because you lost a pet – Yes :(
10. Wanted to disappear – On several occasions

1. Smile or eyes - Smile
2. Light or dark hair – Dark
3. Hugs or kisses - Depends who the giver is :)
4. Shorter or taller – Taller
5. Intelligence or attraction – Intelligence
6. Romantic or spontaneous - Mix them up, lets have some fun.
7. Funny or serious - Both, at the right times.
8. Older or Younger - DC
9. Outgoing or quiet - I don't mind.
10. Sweet or Bad Ass – Sweet in a savoury way.

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yep I played Sandy in Grease OMG HAHAH
2. Ever done drugs – Only paracetamol
3. Ever consumed alcohol? - Nope
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team – Im a VIP???
6. Ever Been on a dance team - No
7. Ever been on a sports team - Yes
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - YUP
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - Mercedes Benz, though techically, dad owned it...but meh, I loved it.
10. Ever been in a rap video? - No never in my life ever.


1. Last phone call you made - I can't even remember :S
2. Last person you hung out with - My sister
4. Last time you worked – Never?
5. Last person you texted - Can't remember
6. Last person you liked - Too far back to remember
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - My dad and Sister
9. Last thing you missed – The same thing I miss everyday
10. Last thing you ate - Rhubarb Crumble

1. Sleep beside you? My sister
2. See you cry? – The dog haha
3. You went out to dinner with? - Parents and sis
5. Flirt with you? - EW I don't let that happen!
6. Ask you out? - Some car creep...again.
7. Made you laugh? - My sister
8. Play something with you? - Sarah
9. Argue with you? - Jae probably
10. Yell at you? - Mum

1. Simple or complicated? - I'm not sure???? Both?...Complicated
2. Retarded? - Sometimes
3. Funny or Stupid? - Yes
4. Happy or Depressed? - Both at once?
5. Emo? - On occasion
6. Sympathetic? - Yeah
7. In love? - Yeah
8. Hated? - No
9. Quiet or loud? - Quiet
10. Bored or excited? - Neither

1. Flowers or candy? - Flowers
2. Gray or black? - Grey
3. Colour or Black and white photos? - Both as long as they are pretty does it matter?
4. Sunrise or sunset? - Seeing both in the same day - I love that
5. Staying up late or waking up early? - Both haha
6. Pizza or burger? - Pizza
7. Boys or girls? - Boys
8. Tumblr or Facebook? - Facebook
9. Blonde or red? - Red
10. Piercing or tattoo? - Piercing

1. Do you like anyone? - Yes
2. Does he know it? - Yes
3. If no, are you gonna tell him? ---
4. Why? ---

1. Sun or moon? - Stupid question
2. Winter or Summer? - Summer
3. Left or right? - Right (like I always am HAHAHA *cough*)
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? - Best Friends
5. Sun or rain? - Both at the same time so they make a rainbow
6. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - Chocolate
7. Vodka or Jack Daniels? - Ew.
8. Coke or Pepsi? - Coke

1. Nervous Habits? - I bite my nails and talk fast
2. Are you double jointed? - No
3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - Yeah
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? - Yeah (I just did)
5. Can you cross your eyes? - I don't know
6. Do you make your bed daily? - No I don't

1. Which shoe goes on first? - Whichever one I pick up first
2. Ever thrown something at someone? - Yes
3. On average, how much money do you carry with you? - £5 varies though.
4. What jewellery do you wear? - None usually...maybe earrings sometimes ohh and my bracelet.
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - Twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? - Yes :S
3. Favorite ice cream? - Chocolate
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? - two, wheatabix and cornflakes
5. What’s your favorite beverage? - Tea
6. Do you cook? - Yes I do

1. Had a relationship? - No
2. Bought something? - Yes
4. Sang? - Yes
5. Been hugged? - Yes
6. Felt stupid? - Everyday
7. Missed someone: - Ditto


1. Last Alcoholic Drink: - Drinking is for noobs
2. Last Car ride: - church
3. Last Movie Seen: - The Princess and the Frog
4. Last Song Played: - I'll be There - Taeyang


Ok it wasn't the BEST look into who I fact, it's pretty crap, but I've done it now so I'm gonna post it.

If you read it...sorry if I bored you with the 'yes' and 'no'.

If you didn't I love you anyway haha

I have more to say, but it's a bit late so I will sign off for now.

Good Night Everyone

Love Minnie

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