Thursday 26 August 2010

My Head is Spinning - GET A GRIP GIRL - Unless You're Dying to Cry Your Heart Out ~

Today, I feel like I have achieved a lot, because I have been busying myself, but in fact...I've just been procrastinating again.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I have done a bit more that I usually do, but whether or not I get anything from it is another matter entirely.

and I'm SOOOO tempted to dip into or rather USE the entirety of the savings grandma gave me and go to Singapore in October.

But that might be (IS) completely silly of me and it still wouldn't pay for somewhere for me to stay and food and shizz and it wouldn't pay for Sarah either.

AND if I do manage to get a job in enough time before then...would they really give me a holiday off in such a short time.

AND if I manage to make enough money with my art work, tickets for the kpop thingy will probably be sold out.

Am I being too negative here?


Anyway... as long as some of my beloveds can meet each other I will be very happy...AND see big bang at the same time *sigh* Its like heaven...I cannot something from a dream.

Maybe its good that It's kind of hard for me to go, if I met them...its most probable I would cry like a noob and embarrass everyone LOOOL


I made a tumblr today for my arty farty stuff, come check it out :D -

I've not posted much yet, but watch this space.

I got another request for a picture today too. That's two I have to do now. Hopefully I can get them done fast.

Unfortunately...its for people I know so I always give them a £10 discount...which tends to add up.

My kindness is overwhelming haha. Nah, hopefully it will come back ten fold.

Do I seem obsessed with money lately?

I'm really sorry :(

I'm not becoming a misery scrooge face I swear.

It's just I made a promise to myself that I will see a bit more of the world within the next twelve months, and I want to keep my promise.

At least I have a passport now (which works).

Even though Jae told me there was no point in boasting about having a working passport if I don't even go anywhere.

...Its nice to see him say such lovely to the point things again, rofl.

Goshh I want tea so much, my food from dinner isn't settling properly.

Mum bought six new tea cups. They are so cute with animals on them - so my style haha.

There is a sheep, a pony, a owl, a kingfisher, a duck and a bluetit

They are so adorable I will take a picture and show you XD

In fact I just made a video LOLOL, its lame and it finishes too soon, but I'm sure you'll catch my drift hahahaha (cough).

Ohh but youtube is uploading so slow...168 mins for a 1 minute vid? That's ridiculous!!! If it keeps at this rate, Imma cancel the upload and just try again tomorrow.

In the meantime, here are some pictures from my day :D

I have had the creative buzz for the past few days and these are a few of the products.

So mum does this arts and crafts thing at work with the kids. And tomorrow she is making Native American Indian Head Dresses with them. SHE was supposed to make one for an example, but she just kind of told me to make this is my effort at a head dress XD.

This is the head band part...I got a strip of green paper and cut out pieces of gold paper. Then I stuck the gold onto the green to create a slanty pattern so it would look lovely and shiny - because I love shiny things MUAHAHAHHAHAHA

Then I stuck the feathers on and hey PRESTO!! A pretty Indian Head Dress made by a bored English girl, who is not even nearly a Native American.

Also, I started working on my Spaniel again after a few weeks delay (or a month). Trying to make the right ear look as pretty as the left one, but its got a long way to go considering, the left ear has about 6 hours worth of work put into it, whereas the right one has about 20 mins of scribble.

But forget that baby has the most scrumfulliest cuddliest nommable ears EVAH...such a soft fluffyness wdhakjsfsgfuksdjfbsjkdfhkjsd you just want to GLOMP him.


And thats my picture spam for the day haha.

Oh wow, its actually Friday now...the day goes so fast.

Last night I had a fantastic nights sleep with NO dreams, you know the deep sleep where you just don't even want to wake up even though it's morning...


But then I remembered my doggy needed a pee and breakfast so I forced myself out of bed before he had the chance to come to the bottom of my stairs and screech up them as if he were starving hungry (something which he does almost ever morning). When in reality he is a little fatty, who is treated like a baby.

Ok, I better sign off now because, I still have to wash the dishes from dinner and its already 12:18 am.

Good Night to my Delicious Gorgeous People Who Read this Shizzle

I love you more more...

From Min

P.S. Lily I'm sorry you didn't know my real name until today HAHAHA I really thought you already knew.

P.S.S. I wonder if my Solar Deluxe will arrive tomorrow?? I shall spazz out if it does and make a video tour of it (a bit late but meh, I want my triplets to be able to see the inside)

P.S.S.S. I MISSED MY YJ TODAY!!!!!! Lets speak soon eonnie!!! I hope you are fine *HUUUGGSSS* My day is not complete without you.

Night Night Everyone :)

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