Wednesday 18 August 2010

I Loike You :)

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's all right because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But thats all right because I love the way you lie ~

- Love The Way You Lie - Eminem ft. Rhianna

Today I woke up at 10:30 am.

I hate walking up late, because I feel I've missed part of the day.

It's not like I would have done anything in that part of the day - but I kind of love the feeling when you know there is still LOTS more hours of daylight to go.

I love daylight...night time is for lovers and people with friends to mess about with.

I have neither so I continue to be a daytime-person...

However, I LOVE the darkness of thunderstorms...and then when the lightning rips the sky in half, you feel so insignificant but at the same time the adrenaline rush makes you feel like you can do ANYTHING.

Looking at nature makes you realize that every small thing you worry about will be history, but some things never change.


My mum is on a huge house clear out...even the cellar (basement).
This is like RADICAL cleanage.
And it only means one thing...

Mum is clearing out so it will be A LOT easier to move house.

To be honest, moving house has been on my mind a lot recently. I may have even spoke about it in previous blog posts.

I wish we could move country *smiles* - If only.

We have too much tying us down though

Family and responsibilities (WOW!! THAT WORD HAS 4 'i's)....

I'm looking for jobs again :D

All Ive found is a part time one, that pays £270 per month...which is just not enough at all.

I want at least £800 or preferably £1000 per month...

For the following -

I always give 10% of what I get/earn to my church so - £100 to church.


£250 to my parents - to SILENCE them XD


£300 - 400 in my savings so I can fly east ASAP

Then the rest for personal things -

phone, clothes, driving test, big bang shizz, and gifts

Since full time work at minimum wage gets you at LEAST £1000 per month, you would think it would be easy for me to find work.


Its freaking hard!!! TTT____TTT

Oh please God help me find a job soon!!! Please Please Please *imitating Princess Tiana in The Princess and the Frog*


Me and Sarah are web camming even though we are in the same house.

I'm trying out my new webby and this time my face doesn't look HIDEOUS (apart from the expression LOOLOLLL *not amused*)!!!

So basically, she could hear me laughing and it bugged her, so she came upstairs and hit me...

Just a little look into the relationship of Minnie and Sarah...

LOL at our facial expressions -

Me -
You hit me you SWINE!!!!

Sarah -
You won't be laughing so much anymore now!!!

Sometimes I feel as if I am the subordinate XD


We went out this evening and when we came back we discovered Sam had found the sugar which we had left on the kitchen side.

It had spilled all over the floor and when you walked it felt sooo tacky underneath your feet.

Dad was annoyed, but Sam is so cuddly tonight that you just can't be mad at him for long.

I wanted to video him, but I have 'misplaced' my camera - which is annoying, but I'll find it later, It can't have gone far.


Autosave keeps failing on my blog - NOT GOOD!!!

Ok, I refreshed it so it should be fine now.

So many times I've lost bog posts because of faulty Autosave!!!


Zaty eonnie told me today that I had dumped her recently for someone else.

I of course denied this VEHEMENTLY.

I know she was kind of joking around with me, but it got me thinking about where people place others in their hearts.

In my opinion, I think God made the human heart big enough to be shared in equal parts.

Its like just because you love someone doesn't mean you love anyone else less.

I think the more people you love the more love you have to give - The more you give the more you are supplied with.

And you have a special feeling for each person...a special love for each of them.

So you can't give one persons gift to someone else...they each have their own.

Am I making sense? haha

Of course, there are some times when a love for a certain person takes over...and yes...its a frequent and annoying thing at times.

But the heart never forgets someone it has loved, there is always a place for everyone - even when it seems like you've been forgotten.

You are always needed - this I know for sure!!!

So we must remember to let the ones we love be aware of it!!!

Because its preetty darn lush to know that you are loved.

and with that, I will end this blog for today.

but not without saying this -

I LOVE YOU!!! all know who you are :)

From Minnie



Before Now...

You know, I often think about my life as it was before now.

Blissfully unaware of your existence - something which I can't help regretting

...even if it can't be helped.

I try to remember all the things which made me smile or made my heart jump

...or gave me pain.

and they all seem so insignificant now.

You see - there's just nothing like you.

...and I wish so much that I had known sooner.



Happy 4th Anniversery Big Bang :) You guys Rock loads.


GET WELL SOON and FAST JAE!!! or at least, by the time you read this, you will be well enough to tease me about it. My favourite wally has to be healthy fo sho!


Good Night Everyone :) Sweet Dreams (hopefully not about seducing taxi drivers to get free rides this time)

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