Sunday 18 April 2010

My Eyes are Just too Droopy

Ahhh I'm so glad to be home. I love going to grandmas, but I's so tiring travelling to Manchester. I would just like to go there and stay a week, but it's annoying when you just go for a day and a half.

...welll, at least we didn't get home mega late like usual. 10:30 is pretty darn good.

I seriously want coffee though...I'm craving it!!

Is it me or is Dae getting EXTRA sexy parts in songs???...random I know, but Sarah was just playing the Tell Me Goodbye preview thingy and it's the first thing I noticed after GD's part.

Gah I'm sleepy and I don't want to do work. In fact, I would love to just grab a friend and a weeks supply of popcorn and have a Star Wars and Indiana Jones Marathon...and any other kind of marathon that is as equally cool and awesome....but there is no friend around here that would do that with me...maybe apart from Sarah, but she has school work to do.

My body is on like a level of frozen...I'm so chilly...mmmmm Sarah has just brought me a looovely cup of coffee...thankyou my sister :)

I have been having allergic reactions for the past few days and I though it might be the beginnings of hayfever...even though its too early for pollen yet...then I saw the amount of volcanic dust on the cars and realized I'm probably reacting to that. Cos I'm allergic to the normal kind of dust, so why not the volcanic kind too??....Ohh the warm coffee feels so nice in my tummy edfvgbhjiu8ik,.

Ohh this time of night I'm so easily paranoid...actually this time of night and early in the morning, paranoia is a very possible occurrence in my mind. I can feel it creeping on me like a disease urftgvhhoikln Its most definitely the most uncool thing about me.

My 7 year old cousin asked me today

'Do you have a boyfriend?'

I hate that question, but I answered him anyway.


Then...he asks

'Do you wish you had one?'

What kind of seven year old asks that??? SEVEN...he should be thinking about playing with dirt or picking his nose or somthing.

Of course I answered

'I'm ok at the moment thanks.'

How very vague of me ^ ^

But since when do seven year olds worry about relationship their cousins status'?? When I was seven the most worrying thing I had to put up with was which Power Ranger I would be in the playground (it was always the yellow one btw..the one that turned into a sabre toothed tiger)...AWWW My Sammy is snoring >_< he's such a dear love. I was hugging him to death a second ago because I was so cold.

Ah my eyes are drooping, I should really just go to sleep and prepare for the most horrendous week of my life.

I ask that everyone is nice to me and send some words of encouragement in the next ten days. I need encouragement, because I have these horrible moments that tell me to give up, but I really don't want to. I just hope no drama occurs this week and my concentration is balanced.

FIGHTING MINNIE!!!! haha self never works for me.

Aigoo I'm drifting.

I better go before I write something I regret >_<

Goodnight, I love you.

From Minnie

1 comment:

  1. I'm always the Power Ranger Blue when i was a child.. the one with triceratops..


