Friday 11 February 2011


I'm so flipping shattered, it's been quite a long day.

It's funny how some days seem long and some days seems short and yet they all have the exact same amount of time n each one.

The human mind is a trickster.

I got some weird texts today,

One said,
'Bum off! :) wahaha X x'

And another said,
'You homosexual'

Which once again proves that I keep incredibly strange company. I must add, that one of those texts was from my sister, I will leave you to guess which one it was.

It's my mums birthday today, so yesterday me and Sarah went to town to buy her a present and card and shizz.

WELL, it just so happened that we passed by HMV. So I made the suggestion that it would be,

'Nice to have a little look around'

Knowing full well that HMV is a place of HUGE temptation for myself. I can resist many things, but the one place that I am SURE to fall is HMV.

That land flowing with so many goodies I can't even!

Anyway, I was quite restrained at first and there was one point where I actually thought we would make it out of the shop without actually buying anything (what a complete joke).

In the end I purchased the first series of 'Lark Rise to Candleford' which is a completely amazing period drama based on true stories. It was £18 and now I am broke.

I had a choice between 'Arrested Development series 2' and the one I bought. I made my decision based on the fact that me and Sarah are the only ones in the house who like to watch 'Arrested Development' (the best American comedy that was ever invented ever - it has cousins who love each other, so obviously it's a winner for me - I am SO weird) whereas Mum and Dad also enjoy watching 'Lark rise' I was noble and bought the one we all would like.

Which brings me to today - today, I finished watching the whole box set and I watched 75% of it by myself. It took most of last night and all of this morning, but I managed it, because I am a boss at watching DVD's.

You know what else was weird about yesterday? My sister slept for 19 hours.

Now that is some crazy shizz!

LMAO, you should see me now, I'm so freaking tired. I'm wearing this baggy black top and some mens sweatpants, which are HUGE on me because I have the shortest legs in the world.

I have my quilt next to me. I've been working on it bit by bit today. It looks very preeeettty and I can tell you now its WARM as toast. And I mean like hot crispy toast that has just popped, not the kind that has been left in the toaster all day and is chewy and shizz. It covers my whole lap now, I feel so proud of it!!!

I will take a picture later (if I remember)

My laptop scared me to death today, It keeps saying the hard disk is corrupted and I should back up my files because the computer may blow up any moment.

Well I backed up my laptop the end of last year and I really have no need to do that arduous task again so I'm just waiting for whatever happens.

I really don't know what it means when things go wrong though. I'm completely noob when it comes to deep and meaningful computery things...but then, my computer started refusing to start up earlier and I was like T____T
'This is it, my darling Kevin is finally saying goodbye to me!' was actually quite an emotional moment for me, because Kevin has been my portal of love to many people and I am so grateful...ANYWAY! The computer thingy told me that it would never start up ever ever again and I would have to call the manufacturers and shizz and blah and loads of stuff that I don't understand and then it just turned off by itself and I was all DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:

So I waited for a bit and watched Kev Jumba on the PC, who by the way, is growing more and more attractive every day, it's amazing!!

THEN after a short while I turned my lappy back on and it WORKED!!! (for now anyway)

but it is a great concern, what will I do when Kevin kicks the bucket? It's horrible to even think about.

I feel so sticky...just thought I'd tell everyone *sigh*

I think we will probably go out tomorrow for a meal and maybe to the cinema. Mum wants to go to see 'The Kings Speech' which I have already seen, but it's her birthday and it was a good movie so I don't mind at all. Colin Firth is such a babe too...even if he is old. since when does age matter when you have perfected Mr Darcy.

Colin Firth was the PERFECT Mr Darcy...if you haven't seen the 1996 BBC production of Pride and Prejudice, you haven't actually lived...don't talk to me about the Keira Knightly + Matthew Mcfayden version either - the only good thing about that version was Simon Woods (who I loved for a long time and then discovered he was gay and was so sad) and the cinematography...the girl who played Jane wasn't bad either.

Keira Knightley was SO wrong for the part though....they probably only cast her as Lizzie because she was the most popular young British actress at the time.

so yes! Avoid the movie and watch the TV series version!!!....if you like that sort of thing of course, I know some people don't (STRANGE PEOPLE).

Oh yeah, I was talking about tomorrow wasn't I? I GET SO SIDE TRACKED!

I don't know what the rest of tomorrow will bring so I've just decided to welcome it with a smile...

You know, I think Taylor Swift is adorable.

I also think Joo Ji Hoon is incredibly beautiful.

I also CRAVE a decent email or SOMETHING!

I saw these LUSH postcards at a shop the other day and though how nice it would be to send one to all my lovelies. They were the best postcards in the whole wide world, but rather pricey so I thought I'd look on the website and order a million of at a much cheaper price than it would be individually...the only problem is, I can't seem to find the website, so I will have to go back and just buy them anyway...I might as well pick up 'Arrested Development season 2' while I'm at it.

I was just thinking about the upcoming Valentines day and how so many people have these lists of ideal things they want to happen...when if it was real love they would be thinking what they could give to the other person...there is joy in giving

I personally, have no problem with Valentines Day...why should I? It's fun isn't it? If you dislike it you are either severely in need of a relationship or a despot.

It becomes an issue when people take it too as if it's your wedding day or some sort of cult initiation, its just fun.

I myself can't resist any opportunity to express my affection to my loved ones...though I've only once ever confessed affection to a person in that 'special way'...and it wasn't on Valentines Day and it was practically forced from me...though to this day, I have no idea why...but I don't like to think about it a lot mainly because it reminds me that I would still, metaphorically speaking, throw myself off a cliff for that person and how my feelings are like flipping bulldogs with locked jaws....which is humorous from one perspective, but quite painful from another.

Distractions are most welcome, if you are me.

It's almost parents mentioned washing the dishes, but if they think I am going to attempt that at this time they don't know me at all...I shall do them tomorrow and they will be sparkling like new.


Goodnight Lovelies


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