Wednesday 2 February 2011

I Wanna Break Every Clock, the Hands of Time Could Never Move Again ~

Watched 'Death at a Funeral' tonight (The English ORIGINAL version of course...not the recent American notasgood remake) IT WAS OSSSSSMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

So funny and typically British. It makes you realise how weird our humour actually is.

Fave quote

'Tea can do many things darling, but it can't bring back the dead.'

I could probably have a debate about that actually, because if I am rightly informed. Doctor Who was once revived by tea...the first Christmas Episode with David Tennant I think...yeah I'm a geek. Don't mess with my unlimited capacity to bring forth tonnages of useless knowledge.

But I guess, If you like strange things too - we will have a connection O: O: O: O:

*sings Taeyang song 'connection'*

Recently my eyes have been opened to immense amounts of fakery.

Usually, I can handle it you know, but ugh, I'm beginning to have less patience with it.

It's come to the point where I would rather have someone tell me to 'EFF' OFF with very honest feelings that be all slimey and fake liking me.

And I'm not talking just about guys, because they are a whole huge other complication in their own right. I'm talking about the sheer number of insincere people out there, it's shocking.

In the past 6 months alone I've had about 10 people try and get close to me just because I'm friends with someone's like jeez, why not just go straight to the object of desire??? Why is there always a 'Minnie bypass'?

It's cripplingly bad form

The funniest thing is that they make it so obvious. All smiles and talkative when I'm with my friend and then when I'm alone its just like *nod* and *ignore*

Eck, so shallow. In my opinion, if I'm supposed to be friends with someone, it will happen. I never use people to get to other people, and I sure as hell don't want other people using me.

The hard work comes in keeping a friend and being a good friend...not getting them.

I believe God brings friends and people who you need into your life. So I'm all good

And now just to be completely off topic, I am going to post ONE AMAZING FANFID about one of my favouritest KDRAMA pairings EVER!

Everytime I watch it my skin tingles with delight!


Then I find myself screaming

Of course watching Kim Bum as Yi Jung in BOF is a grave mistake...somehow you become blinded and think that DISGUSTINGLY handsome playboys will somehow end up stalking you up three years later after they leave you proving that they did love you all along.

Luckily I know no-one that good looking...I'd be so willing to forgive someone who looked like that LMAO.

I know that is extremely shallow of me, but I have eyes that appreciate beautiful things....but fear not, inner beauty is what I value the most....and even though the people that I love are beautiful on the outside, the reason why I love them is for what they are.

I've known a few good looking people who I've wanted to decapitate and burn because they were such horrendous human beings...and I don't feel bad saying that because I know Jesus loves them so I don't need to think about it :D

Tomorrow we are going to do a bit of research shopping for the girls side of the 24/7 team uniform. We need to find an outfit that will look lush on a few different types of body shape..its MUCH more difficult than it seems. The guys are so much more easy to buy for, just a nice shirt for the evening that matches the colour the girls are wearing and they are good to go. Bless them.

This year there are 9 guys and 9 girls on the team *facepalm* my comfort zone is going to be seriously compromised. I reckon I'm going to have to get a lot of hugs during the convention week to fuel my energy LOL It's going to be so painful at first... IM ALWAYS SO SHY AT FIRST!!!!

I was SOOOO bored at work today, I found myself not having anything to do and I just cannot live with that - I did have the task of finding where on earth we can acquire 500 lanyards for an agreeable price, but that doesn't count.

Anyway, I started to talk to Mico on msn and he cheered me up so much!!! I got twice as much work done while I was talking to him than I did before that. It probably wasn't the most wise of things to be chatting while at work, but in the end it turned out best for everyone and with LOADS of sincere cyber hugs to boot!

We were saying about if He and YJ and myself went to the movies we would fight over the middle seat because we would want to sit next to two at once and that we would have to rotate like every 15 mins in order to sit next to everyone.

My triplets are awesome! I hope people are crippled with envy over how I have them and nobody else can!!! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Lord! Its already 12am! Crazyness! I think I can probably have a bit of a lie-in tomorrow though, since we aren't going to the office in the morning...I need a shower too hair is getting greasy so fast here. ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY!

I love Dr. Seuss and his awesome quotage!

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”

— Dr. Seuss

True...although, when you are on the negative end of how a person feels that statement becomes a little less attractive LOLOLOL.

I really wanna continue writing stuff, but I know it would be wise to just shut down and sleep, cos I was so tired today and I really need to catch up on that sleep I lost a few nights ago. Being shattered during the day like that is so awful, especially when you need an active mind to plan and create things.

To be honest I felt so pathetic today, but its ok, because I REALLY love Manchester United.

Gosh, I should close my eyes now!

Good Night lush ones!!!

Love Minnie

P.S. Omg the ice rink scene in BOF - Kim Bum looks perfection - his hair, his clothes. What a nice thing to fall asleep thinking about hahaha.

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