Monday 7 February 2011

Wild Life

The internet connection here is behaving so incredible bum faced I am just going crazy!!!

It seems like it's not pushing itself hard enough to please me....and I mean that in a very un-rude context so don't go thinking weirdly!!!!!


Anyway, today was 'ish' Which means it wasn't fabulous, but wasn't horrid was just...ish...but had some inredible moments

I went to the job centre and I got there ten minutes early like a good girl, only to be left waiting for another 40 minutes. I don't know why I even try to be a good citizen with these people!!! AND the lesbian security guard winked at me too, which was a horrendous experience for get these insane thoughts running through your head like
'Do I look like a gay person to other gay people?????'

Which is EXTREMEMLY silly since I have a very un-gay vibe. I REEEEALLLY like guys for example. Well not rabidly LIKE them, but they are definitely my preference when it comes to hugging and kissing and oh yeah, marriage and stuff.

I seem to have run off on a tangent here...what was I talking about again??? OH YEAH!

So while I was waiting at the job centre I occupied myself by playing fruit ninja on the ipod and then staring at this guy for ages because he looks SO INCREDIBLY like my friends brother it was wasn't my friends bro though because he lives miles and miles away and doesn't have a big red birthmark on the back of his neck OR an ugly tattoo on his arm and this other dude yeah obviously I was extremely bored.

Then I had my lil interview with my personal helper guy, who is actually really laid back and nice, despite the fact he looks like a homeless pirate and I don't mean the good kind of homeless pirate either.

OMG IT WAS SO WINDY TODAY, LIKE SERIOUS GALE FORCE! My hair normally takes a day to dry when I wash it, because I don't use a hairdryer. TODAY it was almost completely dry when I got home because the natural air element was so freaking strong. I swear if it had been any stronger my head would have been completely removed. OH LORD! if airbenders were real I would so marry one so he could dry my hair and I wouldn't even care if he was younger than me and BALD!!!!!...when the wind dries it it doesn't go all weird and brittle, it looks pretty good actually, which is just very rare!

So when I got home I was ABSOLUTELY GASPING for a nice cuppa tea. I already had one earlier that morning, but I had to multi task and drink it while I was in the bath and drinking tea while washing your hair is just not the same as sitting on the sofa just enjoying the taste and aroma.

Making tea is SO MUCH fun in our house, I just connect the ipod to the speakers and then dance about the kitchen wildly until the tea is made. I'm not sure how it gets made while I'm being all tribal and stuff, but somehow it appears and it's pretty lush, because you get tea AS WELL AS an extreme workout. Could there be anything more beneficial really????

After that, I watched the movie 'Valentines Day' with Sarah and it was pretty fun. I never got bored once the whole time I was watching it so I guess thats a good thing. It helps that I love mostly every single actor and actress in it too. Anne Hathaway is just hilarious! And then I got all extra spazzy when I realised that Topher grace and Ashton Kutcher were both in it and THEY WERE BOTH IN 'THAT 70's SHOW' HOW AWESOME IS THAT??????????!!!!!!!!!

She loves That 70's Show *points to self*

GOSH!!! I'm trying to log into twitter, but the net is being such a turd and I feel so much like tweeting its NOT FAIR!!! T_____________________T

Anyway, then the best part of the day happened!!!!

I got a text telling me that my friends fiancée from India had FINALLY been granted permission to come to England again so they can get married!!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING NEWS LIKE FREAKING AWESOME AND SPECTACULAR because they have been separated for 7 FLIPPING years because of VISA issues and NOW I CAN ACTUALLY GO TO THEIR WEDDING!!

It was my friends sister who sent the text, but she told me not to call or text my friend because she was asleep from working night shifts and didn't actually know the good news herself yet.

I find it a little strange that I knew she would be able to get married before she did but MEH!! IM SO EXCITED!!!!

This is really the first of my childhood friends within my age range who has gotten married so its a weird new experience for me and I'm sure I will feel like an old maid at the wedding, BUT SFSILJFAlsjifjalsfjalsiufiaslflasjflkajsfkljaskfjasljf!!

She has the most romantical gorgeous love story to tell her grandchildren. OMG THEIR BABIES ARE GOING TO BE SO CUTE!!!! HALF ENGLISH AND HALF INDIAN!!

*calms down*

I just really love when people I love have extremely happinessess!!!! I get so spazzy and delighted, especially I know how much they suffered beforehand!! EEEEEK!

Thinking about was pretty exceptional, just with boring bits in between the gorgeous bits and anyway, it's how you look at life. If you find the extraordinary in every day, every day will be extraordinary.

I must remember that!

At the moment I'm trying to watch the second series of Kimi ni Toodoke! I've managed the recap episode and the first episode, but this darned internet is just not allowing me to finish watching epi 2...I've refreshed the page like 500000 times...its pretty exasperating. In the meantime Sarah is practising fishtail plaits on my hair and we are listening to some OSM playlist.

I did no work on my quilt today, which is rather sad and I should probably spend tons of time on it tomorrow. I wanna use up the wool I have so I can go to hobbycraft and buy tons more. I love wool you know! THANK GOD FOR SHEEP!

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS this episode finally loaded!!! How completely delightful! I have no idea if any of you people watch anime...well actually, I know some of you do because I know some of you, but the ones I don't know, well I have no idea if you do.

OH GOSH!!!!! Why am I like this?!?!?!?!?!

Oh yeah, so I love this anime because it was my YJ eonnie who told me to watch it in the first place and then later Mico said he loved it too. and I just love to watch things that my triplets recommend me. they have EXCEPTIONAL TASTE!

I get so irritated at the main character Sadako. She has such low self esteem she lets all these opportunities go and it takes so long for her relationship to progress with Kazehaya, the guy she likes. He likes her too, but she gives off all the wrong signals so he thinks she doesn't. sdfshfjkhsdjkfh It's very frustrating, but impossibly cute!!!!

I think I must give off wrong signals - the people who I don't like always seem attracted to me and the people who I do like seem like they couldn't care less.

Oh life and its vicious cycles, it's so sad.

One of the best parts about being back home is being able to catch up on all the YG lushness that has been building up in my absence. these past few days I have been overdosing of GTOP and Seungri and BATHING in the incredible feelings that grow thus.

I feel like I'm too far behind to spazz with the other people so I've been having mini inside parties by be honest, I LOVE IT!

This SLOW internet is such a pain though, I can only do the bare minimum - it's like freaking dial up...I guess it's better than no internet at all though. We cannot revert back to that pure torture!

Me and Sarah were talking about Lily today and we decided that on the net, the most we see of Lily is her brain and what goes on in just occurred to me that me and Sarah talk about Lily every day. I think it's because we are so utterly filled with love for her...if you don't know who Lily is, I can assure you right now, that your life is incomplete to ridiculous levels. She is the original Smile!


I have such great historical moments in my brain...

FILPPING HELL!!! I've written craploads today! this is the first 'real' blog I seem to have written in ages. I'm sorry about that. I have not been putting my whole heart into writing this shizz because I always start writing it too late and am half asleep and all that stuff!!!!

MY VIEWS HAVE GONE UP THOUGH!! Since those terrible '3 views a day' days a few weeks ago, ITS BACK to 20+ views again!!! *happy*

UGHHHHHH!!!! My flesh is CRAWLING with annoyance because of this SLOWNESS!!! What will happen if I press 'publish post' and it DOESN'T?

I will be angry and then throw a shoe at a wall to make myself feel better.

I can't go to sleep with such anger in my heart!!! I must find something to make me calm down...this blog may or may not be the result of caffeine.

Gosh, but I'm sleepy now and msn just won't log on T___________T This is so gay.

I feel like I'm missing so much when it come to e-socialising recently. Twitter is the most active I can get - when it works!!!

DARN distance!!! If everyone had their own jet planes we wouldn't even NEED the internet - but the world would probably be destroyed with intense pollution, so I guess that's why we can't all have jet planes.

OH OH OH !!!

I bought some new converse on Saturday! THEY ARE BRIGHT GREEN LIKE KERMIT THE FROG!

They look SO much better than those foul nikes I've been wearing recently. I had to stop wearing my old black converse, because Sammy chewed the laces up and then when I replaced the laces he chewed them again.

He gets away with everything, I wasn't even mad at him!!

Once upon a time I had this Darth Vader mug, which I ADORED, it was my favourite mug of all time. Anyway, when Sam was a puppy she knocked it off the table and it broke and I wasn't even a bit mad. I think that was the moment I knew I must love him a great deal.

Only the greatest of loves can replace how I feel about Star Wars so Sammy is a winner there...HES MA BAAAYYBEHHHH!!!!

Ok, this net is not going to stop being slow tonight so I will just head to bed and wish you all a lovely day/night and pray for Go'd blessing on you all because I wan't you too be so BEAUTIFULLY HAPPY!


Love Min!!

fdhjdfklgjkldfjhklsdjfhkljsklfhjsdkl I love Park Bom, she's the epitome of lushness.


  1. Lol you look like a lesbian?! You look like you have a devil may care look abit

  2. LOOOOOL it was just a thought. Hmmm me being reckless?? I guess there is a first for everything haha
