Tuesday 8 February 2011

Magic Sunset

You know there are some people who just make you smile when you think about them or when you see them?

I love those people SO MUCH!! They make life amazing for me they really do.

I have a friend who is made of sunshine, she really is.

In fact, if I saw her cry I would be absolutely heartbroken, because it would seem so un-natural.

I just thought I would say that because I do love her lots and she just sent me a text which made me smile my head off.

It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that she calls me 'Jesus' it really doesn't.

I have a strange conglomeration of friendships, GOD I LOVE THEM ALL!

Today I worked a lot on my quilt...I'm back on the red wool. It looks pretty lush actually, I'm proud of my miss shapen 'rug'....it's pretty sexy.

OH MY GOSH! There is a 24 hour CHILD CORONATION CHANNEL apparently - What the flipping fudge is wrong with this world exactly???

You know what? I always get shocked when people I like reveal that they don;t like animals. I always feel like I shouldn't like people that dislike animals and yet, I sometimes get shocked.

It happened to me today, because Lily is scared of creatures and I adore Lily...strange innit?

I came to my grandpas tonight, it's the first time I've been in a while. The hilarious thing is that the internet connection is SO MUCH speedier than at our house...my grandpa has faster broadband than we do.

Its some crazy shizz!

I asked dad earlier if I could drive the car, but he has been avoiding my question...he always avoids THAT question...

Why do people always choose to go to Disneyland AFTER they have won the lottery??? Disneyland is a TREAT!! It should be scrimped and saved for and then it will be appreciated more.

One day I shall go to Disneyland and stalk Mickey Mouse who is my hero!

It is one of my many dreams.

Well, I think that we will be heading home soon!

I am SO thirsty!

Goodnight sweethearts!

Love from Minnnnieeee!!!!

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