Sunday 30 January 2011

You are a Masterpiece

I started writing a post last night, but it was so crap that I just deleted it and went to sleep haha.

So I start one now instead.

I'm going to Oxford later to church, but I think we are going there a little early to do a little bit of shopping and have a walk. It is one of those beautiful winter days and Oxford is such a gorgeous city so it will be lush.

Actually, I've never been to Oxford before as far as I can recall...but the fame of its beauty precedes it...for those who are not British...yes, this is the place that holds the most famous ancient university in the world.


Ok I've been to Oxford now. It was very beautiful and very cold and my toes went numb, but I managed to go to church so I'm not a complete heathen.

You know when you have an itchy throat and you feel it in your ears? I have that now and its so jdsdfkjhsdkjhf, I wish it would just leave me alone and bother someone else who deserves it!

This weekend has gone so darn fast!!!! I cannot even believe it!! ITS LIKE SUPAH FAST!!

In fact!! The last two weeks have been mental! I can't even remember what has happened. All I know is, I am very comfy here and will probably miss everyone a great deal when I'm gone (allthough it will be nice to be back home with my family and my doggy who I MISSSSS!!!)

Hurrrrr, why is it so late again? I have put the alarm on my phone back on, which is a great shame, but necessary. I couldn't possibly wake up at 10:30 on an office day. It's bad enough that I show up in jeans LOL.

I was invited to go see Tangled today, but I turned it down because they were going to see it in 3D and my eyes can't deal with that shizzle.

I bet I'll have been to see it before this week is finished though...I've never been to the cinema so frequently in my life!

To be perfectly honest I haven't got that much to say tonight, nothing extreme has happened today and I have nothing to have a cryptic rant about.

I do have something I am annoyed about, but I can't write it here because it would be so obvious and so I just caught my sister on msn and had a good old word bashing at her. Luckily for me she was in a generous mood and empathised with my complex emotions LOLOLOL.

WHY IS IT 12am already??????? T_______T

Another quiz, just to fill this blog out a lil...sorry, I know its lame Im not really sorry...QUIZZES ARE COOL!!!

Let’s start off on a high note, what last made you smile?

Ivanna, cos she's a sweetheart

Have you ever kissed a brown eyed person?

Yeah all the time, they are my faves to kiss.....nope I haven't

How often is your smile fake?

Recently its been pretty honestly real...but when I'm at home, its fake a lot haha

Do you like falling asleep to the sound of the rain?

Yes, especially in a tent

Have you ever just laid down outside and stared at the stars?

Yes, I've done that in the middle of a main road too....good times.

Is there someone you can tell anything to, and you know it’s safe with them?

My sister and my triplets and Zaty eonnie and a few special others.

Would you date a 21 year old at your age?

Fo Sho I would.

Do you wear your hair up or down more often?

Its pretty much an even between having it up and down nowadays. I guess I'm more confident about it not looking too huge.

How did you get your last bruise?

God only knows

Do you look decent when you wake up?

Yes, like a, I look like a dragon and I don't mean the sexy kind either.

Is there a guy that knows a lot about you?

Yeah a couple...I don't talk to guys that much though. I feel like most of them don't deserve my awesome.

Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?

Yes :)

Do you think someone is falling for you?

No, I'm pretty sure people don't tend to fall for my benefit...and if they do, then I probably would wish that they didn't.

Do you miss someone?

Oh yes

Are you angry with someone right now?

Not really no

Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?


The last person you texted needs you at 3AM, do you go?


Do you love the last person you called?

No, it was that disgusting woman from the job centre.

Have you ever watched a needle go into your own skin?

No, I'm always too scared to look.

Do you like strawberry and banana smoothies?

No, those would be my LEAST favourite

Are you wearing jeans, sweatpants or pajama pants?


When did you last straighten your hair?

When I got it cut a few weeks ago.

Will you ever be with the person you truly want to be with?


Did you speak to your father today?

I texted him

What song are you currently listening to?

None, but there is a clock ticking.

Who did you see today?

Lots of people in Oxford and my lovely housemates

What were you doing last night at midnight?

Watching a movie

Has anyone ever called you perfect before?

Yes...liar haha

Is there anyone in the room with you?

No, iz me alone!!!

What name do the majority of people in your life call you?


Bet you’re thinking about someone right now?

Oh, lol, good guess

Is it hard for you to imagine life away from your hometown?

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, I don;t need to imagine it...I'm living it..and its not hard at all.

Is it easier to pretend everything’s okay for you?

I don't pretend, I wait for it to be ok.

Do you have any tan lines?

No, alllll gone

Would you swear in front of your parents?


Can you play guitar hero?

Very badly

Is being single fun?

I guess so LOL is it really that important?

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?

JESUS LOVES ME....lmao....

How late did you stay up last night and why?

1am watching movies

Do you smoke crack everyday?


Have you ever ridden a horse?


What are you looking forward to in the next month ?

Mums birthday...wondering if we will go have currrry hahahahh

Are you anything like you were at this point last year?

I'm still the same person...hopefully a little better and wiser though, but still learning.

What’s something you do when you’re mad?

Rant on my blog hahah

Do you have a lighter on you?


What’s worse, ignorance or stupidity?


Do you know anyone who does smoke pot?


Would you rather have really long or really short hair?


Are you easy to make mad?

Depends who you are and if I think you are worth getting mad about

What did you last drink?


When’s your birthday?

May 21

Do you always answer your texts?

Yep, mostly

Who are all the messages in your inbox from?

Sarah mostly

Do you think boys truly understand girls?

Hell no hahahah...I barely understand myself

Have you ever fallen asleep with your head on someone?


Are you good at giving directions?

No, but Im good at following them

If you had to live off one type of fruit, which would you pick?


What do you miss?

Lots of things

Do you want to get married?


What were you doing at 10 AM this morning?


Have you ever cried in front of a friend?


Name two things you love about winter?

Clear night skies and Christmas

Does it bother you when someone lies to you?

Yeah, like saying 'I love you' and then not acting like you do...

Does anyone hate you?

I hope not

Have you ever been called heartless?

Probably, when I'm in one of my 'no BS' moods

Are your nails real or fake?

Real man

Can you keep a straight face?


Do you rely on people a lot?


Do you think your best friends will always be with you?

I know this is not always the case

Are you easy to forgive people?


Do you ever learn after your mistakes?

I do try to.


So thasssiiiit!!

I need sleep.

Night Darlings

Love Min

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