Sunday 23 January 2011


It has come to my attention that the people I'm living with may not appreciate KPOP like I do - OH THE HOLE IN MY LIFE, LMAO!

Luckily, they like people who are open about what they think - which is new for me, so when conversation comes round to favourite music, they will be quite happy to accept my more 'exotic' tastes.

TBH though, I love most music, so I just chill with whatever is playing - as long as it isn't that SUJU song that sounds like 'banana' - I really dislike that song immensely, its like ear rape....for me anyway.

You know what other music I hate. Those wanna be indie people who play acoustic guitar at the most minimal level of experience and sing horrendously with lame lyrics supposedly about their inner self. They say they are being sort of real and no frills...but all it is is just effing terrible.


So between now and then I've been out to see The Green Hornet, which was quite good actually - then went to the REEEALLLLY cold restaurant

One of the guys commented on how I have very defensive body language, but actually I was sat like that cos I was SO FREEEZING!!!

Jay Chou was by far the best part of the movie....what a babe....kudos to Cameron that she went for him rather than the main guy...I would totally go for Jay too :D

I'm not even terribly tired at the moment...I think I should be, but I'm actually not...or maybe I am, but I just haven't noticed yet.

We got this weird strawberry drink....actually, I asked for water, but this guy ordered this strawberry thingy for me and then afterwards he was like...

'That was actually alcoholic'

Which is not funny at all because I STAUNCHLY have said I will never EVER drink anything that contains alcohol.

He was joking of course, but it was the principle.

And I don't like strawberries very much either.

I've just realised I rarely write other people's names in my blogs....maybe I don;t want to get sued.

ALSO I found out that I never give direct answers to anything.

People have asking me about myself ALL week and I never give a straight answer.

Its like

Q: 'What kind of music to you like.'

A: 'Just anything that I like the sound of really - nothing specific'

Q: 'What kind of job do you want?'

A: 'I dunno, anything.'

Q: 'What's your favourite movie?'

A: 'Are you kidding me?'.... no not really, my answer was, 'Oooo thats a hard question...I dunno.'

See. why am I vague like that??? ALL THE TIME. I guess this is just me not wanting to give anything away...

I am a complete introvert - its true.

Well, only introverted with people I'm not entirely sure about....I'm fine with everyone else.

With some people I'm overly fine - I even tell them I love them and stuff - which is a big deal for me ... I don't do BS.

Anyway I better sleep now cos weekend is over and its back to being busy again.

GoodNight ebrebody!!!


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