Thursday 17 June 2010

I Kind of Even Like Your Feet

Hello my readers :)

...whoever you are...

Its a beautiful summer summer's day here in England!!

I'm not not being biased or anything (cough) but dayum!!! When England does summer properly, there is nowhere on earth I would rather be.

I'm so proud to live in such a beautiful place

I'm so loving Pixie songs at the moment, she's an awesome British babe...I mean she's like the only Brit female solo artist atm who isn't a stinker and she's gorgeous.

So listen while you read :)

And sing along if you want :]

'baby baby ba-by
i've been sprayin' your cologne on my clothes
have i gone insane
maybe maybe may-be
i was way to synical
thinkin' i would never fall
now i'm cravin'

roses used to make me queeze
but from you they smell so sweet
hate to admit it but i'm here
i kinda even like your feet

never had a boy get me so
your picture's under my pillow
guy you offer silly names
my boo my babycake'

It's my first day in three years, not being a student so I thought I'd celebrate with a picture spam....FUNNN :D

Well eonnie I promised you I'd post pictures of baby Judah :D

So here they are -

He's always sucking his thumb XD

On mummy's back African Style!!
(though mummy only learned to do that the week before XD)

'Um daddy, whut are you doing?'

'It was supposed to be a pic of me and Sarah, but the camera liked me better.'

So that is baby Judah haha

The next pics are from a sunny day in grandmas garden a few weeks ago...omo I'm so thirsty!

*goes to get water*

And some random shots -

The Sky, isn't it beautiful?

Yes, I violated the sky by putting my feet in it XD

Sarah's Nikeys


He's looking like 'HUH?'

Some weirdo's I know (except for grandma XD) -

Duck imitations brought to you by Sarah D

SHAMUEL!!! and grandma too :D

I look dead haha and I have moss in my hair ^_^

Daddy attacking the weeds in the garden...

'Scum, take a picture and die.'....erm what? too late mauhaahah

Sarah and I on the way to watch the England match at Dominic and Dora's -

Filled with patriotic venom!!! COME ON ENGLAND!!!

It's blurry, but it looks kinda cool like a Van Gough painting

I am on my own all today because everyone is at I thought...hmmm, I better do something productive, so I took some money to the bank to put in Sarah's account which we are saving all the holiday money in...

Then I remembered I had to get some more of the face wash and night face cream that Sarah and I use, because we have just run out...

Then I thought...umm, I better buy some makeup that will go with my new dress...

...because I don't really have any blue-y kind, its all green or here's some pictures of what I bought.

Eyeshadow and Eyeliner

Nail Polish!!! As you can see I already tried it on my bitten down nails ^_^
The colour is called 'Peacock' for obvious reasons :D

The best skin regime I've ever used to works, my skin has been really clear for months now!!! :)

Um, I bought M n M's too....I luvem :)

yellow orange blue red brown and green
the 'm' means they belong to (m)innie :D

When I took Sam for a walk this morning and I saw the coolest thing.

I was actually stood there like a noob saying

'Oh my God so cool!!'
...out loud.

What happened was I saw this HUGE dragonfly...which is strange because they like places with moisture and there are no water bodies where I walk Sam.

So I was gazing at it in awe because it was so big and blue and gorgeous and sparkly and I really wished I'd brought my camera out so I could take some pics of its beautifulness.


this bluebottle (like a large housefly with a blueish colouring) was just flying by and the dragonfly sort of attacked it and was biting at it and stuff!!

and I got all O.O and stood staring because it was so fascinating, then the bluebottle was like

and started like desperately fighting back!!!

Kudos to the bluebottle, it gave a good fight and the almighty dragonfly lost it's juicy meal and flew off.

Meanwhile I was in animal fangirl mode spazzing out about this glimpse of animal behaviour I'd just seen.

Sam stood looking at me like,

'Are you not going to walk woman!! That's why we are here...for WALKIES!!!...psht!'

So thats about it for's taken me like 5 hours to write this post haha

All I ask is now is this,

^_^ (yep, been tumblr ninja-ing again)

Love from Minnie




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