Thursday 11 March 2010

In Love with a Fairytale

I really thought I'd get more stuff in the post today, maybe I'm impatient, but I have the 'I WANT IT NOW' attitude at the moment...which is bad really since all my life I've never had anything at the exact time that I've wanted it.

I'm so good at waiting, I'm sick of it.

How bratty of me...

Anyway, Sarah told me last night that she needed to go to the bank to get her debit card activated, so this morning I thought - 'You know what? Today I'm going to do something for once.'

So after a major procrastination lag I managed to get Sarah and myself ready to go out.

Well by 'ready' I mean like wearing outside clothes.

Sarah was like

'Shall we take the camera?'

but I said

'No, have you seen my face this week?'

She looked at me and nodded understandingly....and sympathetically.

Well I don't care, there is no one I want to impress out there anyway.

I was considering whether to take Sammy with us or not because I needed to get a new toothbrush and that means I would have to go in a supermarket...which means no dogs I decided to take him

It was a nice day, Sarah could stand outside and hold him while I get a toothbrush...oh and a pair of tweezers...and maybe a dvd..or two.

So we got to Rothwell and Sarah was like

'I need to go to the bank and I'm so hungry.'

So I said, 'Ok, go to the bank and we can get something from Greggs (its like a sandwich-cake shop place).'

So I was sat on a bench with Sam waiting for Sarah and secretly laughing at the chavs and other type people walking about - honestly I can't believe some people...I seriously considered setting Sam on them...but I didn't.

Then Sarah came back and I said.

'Hm, maybe I should go into the supermarket before we get something to eat and then we can go to the park and give Sam a run.'

She seemed fine with that...well she had to be!!!

But anyway I went into the store and there was this man pushing the shopping trolleys back to their place and he nearly ran me over and then I almost knocked this old granny over trying to get away from was kind of a scary moment for me because I have a history of knocking old ladies over...not on purpose, but they always scream at you afterwards.

Like when I got my first mountain bike I was practising riding it and I knocked this old lady over and she screamed, 'YOU STUPID GIRL.' And I ran away and cried...sometimes sorry isn't enough...Im so glad my grandma is the cool type...*grandma biased*

but anyway, as soon as I got into the store I made a beeline for the media section because I wanted dvd's. So I bought Twilight and Bride Wars, because they were freaking cheap and they were also pre-packaged...I hate it when you have to go to the desk and the counter guy gets the disk out of that drawer and then you have to buy it from him...the counter guy scares me, I like it better when its a lady.

So then I went to get the tweezers and the toothbrushes (Sarah wanted a new one too)...I also wanted to get more of the nice shampoo that I have found that actually tames my epic hair, but it wasn't there :( What a useless supermarket.

Then I went and looked at the razors because the last one I bought nearly made mince meat out of my legs - not using that again - its more like a hack saw than a razor.

I always stare at razors cos I never know which one to choose and then I just don't end up buying one...ITS SO HARD TO CHOOSE!!!

SO anyway I went back to Sarah after buying that shizz and we got a sandwich...she wanted fish and chips - but I didn't feel like and chips is more night time food anyway...or walking along the beach type food....I love the beach *sigh*

Sam was happy when we got to the park because I could let him of the lead. I was kind of scared he would leap in the river because 'd just bathed him yesterday, but he didn't because he wanted our food.

We sat on the roots of this tree in the middle of the park because your butt gets wet after a while of sitting on the grass, but then we ended up sitting on the grass anyway because some dog had pooped near the tree and it's filthy owner hadn't cleaned up after it...PFFFFFFTTT!!!!!!

So we got home and put a face mask on and watched a movie with a cup of tea.
I but some of this red stuff on my lips and said to sarah.

'We still have to be pretty even with green faces. Does my face match my eyes?'

And she started laughing, but tried to stop herself because the facemask goes weird otherwise...It's hilarious cos the more you try not to laugh, the more you do.

And that's kind of what has happened so far today.

Mum has just got home from work and sounds happy *phew*

SO Imma sign off now...probably gonna do an allnighter tonight and wait for the Lollipop 2 MV to be released. The 2NE1 one was released today, but Big Bang will Pwn it...even though the crystals on CL's face were so cool!!! Oh and Dara's Star Wars clothes....I was going to get that hoodie before her wekrbemnqwilehoqwejn


From Minn mooo

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