Friday 26 March 2010

I saw Bumblebees Today - Spring < 3

Listening to : Lollipop 2 - Big Bang

MSN: Talking to no one :(

BBVIP: Silent

Feeling: Hungry and sleepy

^^^^^^^^ Sarah sometimes does that in her blogs and I wanted to try haha :P

I have calmed down since yesterday a lot since yesterday.

Yesterday I said that this blog was just for me, but that wasn't's for people who care enough about me to want to read it. It's my letter to them as I've stated previously.

I don't know why I said that it was just for me...what an epic loser-ish thing to say.

Forgive me - I'm having a mood swing week, I will blame it on hormones or weird eating habits or something.

Anyway, I did something weird today and wrote in my diary in the I was doing this my mind was saying

'why? nothing has happened yet.'

but I felt like it and it was one of those mornings where you just wake up fully awake without having to splash your face with icy water.

Then I had this idea. I would write my dreams down every morning when I wake up so that I don't forget them any more. I can never remember my dreams, I only recall if they were good or bad, but anyway, I will write it down and if it isn't embarrassing :D I will post it here for everyone to see or read or whatever...

anyway just a pre warning, it could be freaking weird...probably.

Sarah and I went out to town again today - attempt two at buying clothes for the convention. We were successful this time. I need to buy shoes though...I hate shoe shopping....LOVE shopping for, its a very boring thing for me.

Anyway, we went into TOPSHOP and I was in the PJ section and I saw these:


and I WANTED them, but for some reason I didn't buy them. They would be perfect for summer...I always end up wearing my shorts to bed anyway...I really want ESPECIALLY FOR BED SHORTS!!!

I should have bought them, I always regret not buying stuff. Like those cow PJ's I saw in LaSenza before Christmas, because I was scared to go into an underwear shop on my own ROFL...and that tank top I saw in River Island that had a rainforest scene on it and a toucan...I loved that...*SIGH* It reminded me of the indoor elephant enclosure at Chester Zoo.


I'm craving for a nice cup of tea. The kind that is golden and warm and just a little sweet, but not too much. mmmmmmm, tea can cure anything

tea can cure a broken heart.....

*slightly delusional*

When we were out today we got a bit hungry so we decided against McDonalds because Sarah is keeping fit for her athletic events next week. Instead we went to bagel nash and got a Mexican Chicken filled bagel!!! ITS SO GOOD!!! DAYUMM THE FILLINGS ARE LIKE HEAVEN ABOVE!!! *ahem*

It was here >>>>

Anyway, we sat down on a bench and this beggar guy came up to us and was like.

'I'm not asking for money or anything, but have you girls got a mint or a chewing gum that I can have.'

I just said

'Sorry no'

and didn't make eye contact. Then he went around the whole eating area asking all the women there, but none of the guys (of course looking for sympathy or something).

It's sad really.

I dropped a piece of chicken on the floor too and some avocado...I'm so messy >_<

I'm going away in one week.

I will have withdrawal symptoms not being able to communicate with some of my lovable ones. Maybe I've been prepared to be away. Everyone has been busy this week so we haven't talked much...I will miss you guys :(

I'm going to miss the 1st Anniversary of BBVIP too on the 1-2 of April...thats the day I will be coming home. *sigh*


Why do I feel like I've known you guys longer than just one year?

Note: 11:11 :D *wishes*

I think that is my favourite part of finding BBVIP...not the spazzing and the environment and the constant supply of big bang yumminess.

It's the friends I have found there...I hope our friendships will last.

Anyway, Imma go make me that cuppa tea.

I love you (yes you, not me)

From Min

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