Friday 24 December 2010

Seasons Greetings


Its Christmas EVE!!!

I guess I have a lot to say...some good...some bad, but Imma leave off the bad stuff for the rest of the remaining year.

I want to leave 2010 behind with a light heart.

I know you take most of the crap of the old year into the new year, but the best part about it is that it gives you a chance to change things for the better.

Anyway, my internet at home is broken...which is kind of like my legs being broken lolol...but I've managed for the past three days quite well.

Though my heart did kind of ache because I missed GTOP's album release...but HAYYYY!! These things happen.

The hilarious thing is, I was JUST pressing the 'BUY' button ordering that very album when the internet literally broke that very second. LMAO.

I've decided to go easy on the fandom over the Christmas period and just enjoy the company of my family and bathe in the great feelings that are wafting all over the place.

I'm not even kidding, Christmas eve is SO magical...there is is FEEL in the air. I find it hard to describe...I don't get this feeling any other time of the year.

Thanks Jesus for being born hahaha...winter would be HORRENDOUS without Christmas.

I feel so giving...I have to give you all just a smile though cos I'm truly broke *smiles*

I thought the problem with the internet was the modem so dad bought a new one for £59 and said I have to pay him back..anyhoo it turns out it was the broadband provider that is the problem...not the modem...soooo that was a bit sahgdjasgdjha

but at least when its fixed we will have one BEAST of a modem!!! Its AWESOME powerful!! ITS THE BOSS OF MODEMS!


I can't believe I'm blogging about a modem on Christmas Eve, wth!!

I have this huge hideocity on my chin, it just grew in the past few days and decided to ruin my chances of having half decent festive pictures...nothing new there then lmao...I'm not a photogenic person at all...the camera has some kind of peeve with me I think...well hopefully by New Years Eve my scabby face will be a ghost of Christmas past.

It was Sammy's birthday on the 19th and we all sang 'Happy Birthday' to him...even daddy (who pretends not to love him as much as everyone else, but he totally does)...MY BABY IS 9 YEARS OLD NOW!!!!!

His ears are so soft too...even though I didn't find time to give him a bath...but his ears still smell delicious and beautiful.

Mannnn Im sneezing like crazy, because I cuddled Rocky, my grandmas cat, and my allergy just fired up!!


Grandma just brought in some early presents for us to unwrap...its kind of a Christmas eve tradition...even before opening it we know exactly what it is.

YESH BABY I GOT OSM NEW PENGUIN PJ'S and some slippers!!!

They are from La senza too..OMG SO COMFY!!!

I shall use them well all year round OHH SO SNUGGLEHHHHHHHH, I can't even....I'm actually going to put them on now...because I just have to!!!


*calms down*


Grandma just said to Sarah,

'Your daddy and I have been eating cheese, do you want some?'

Sarah - *shakes head*

Grandma -
'Do you want chocolate?'

Sarah - *nods head frantically*

So now we have opened two boxes of chocolates and are currently shovelling the contents down our throats.


I have this thing for orange and strawberry creme's...and also Turkish Delight...I can pick those out of the box without even looking at the paper thingy that tells you which chocolate is which....its like my nose can smell is gooey sweetness.

So I've been having to find 'other things' to do while the internet at home is kaput! I started watching Coffee Prince again dkfhsfjshdkfjhds GONG YOO is soooo seriously...I think he was in my dreams...last night..I think I loved him, but then he disappeared. Maybe he will come back again tonight LOLOL.

I shouldn't continue because this post will become like a dedication to the perfection of Gong Yoo and his perfect hair and height and deliciousness.

I also found Sarah's NDS and restarted playing Dragon Quest VI little cousin borrowed it this time last year when I was in the middle of the game and he only just gave it back last week.

I was reunited with my 'YOUNGJAE' LMAO...I must have started playing it when I was watching Full House and named my main character after Rain's character in that drama.

Aww good times :')

Anyway, I played that for a few hours and got my characters all buffed up, so they can be all smexay and macho and beat some monster butt!!!

I get pretty rabid when I get into gameplay!!! Sooner or later you will find me screaming at the NDS screen telling all the baddies to GO TO HELL!!!

...which is probably not very nice of me...but those dudes just keep trying to kill YoungJae and I can't let that happen!!! I MEAN HE'S LIKE MY FLESH AND BLOOD FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! I practically raised him!!! He would never be as buff as he is now without my help..

Oh man....yes I do realise I am talking about a game character...

but I'm insane so you gotta give me a bit of grace here XD

OH OH OH!!! Now we are going to put the Baby Jesus in the Crib in grandmas model Nativity and sing 'Away in a Manger' like we do every Christmas Eve...cos grandma doesn't put Jesus there till Christmas Eve cos technically He is not born until then Imma BRB!!!

*sigh* I love doing that...its many memories.

Im sooooo tired!!! So I'm gonna lay me head down and see if I can actually sleep, I still find it difficult sleeping on Christmas Eve...even if I am 22...Im a complete child at heart.

I'm so excited for tomorrow, we have presents from Japan from Lulu and Haito and Kaito!!! THEY ARE SO PRESH!!! I miss them SOOO MUCH!! I wanna go visit them!!!

OH OH!! and on Wednesday, Judah took his first steps!!! It was so amazing seeing him walk!!! I was just thinking,

'Ooo he looks steady today.'

So I stood him up and called him to me and HE WALKED!!!! sdhfskjdh

Dora was like,


But she got all emotional and cried and said it was like an early Christmas present haha

It was such a high though.

So yesh I shall go and sleep now and wake up fresh for tomorrow morning :)

So good night my dearests,

I wish you all to have a glorious Christmas and are all blessed and sjfksdj and to all those I love thank you for being there, wherever you make my hearts joyful all year round...some of you make my heart sad too (LOLOLOLOL) but I adore you all the same.

For all those friends I can't be with yet, I hope for the day when we exchange gifts for real, but I want you to know that just knowing you is the greatest gift you can give me and I hope that you can feel the same way about me too.

I love you my dear dear friends

I heard some song lyrics today that describe it perfectly.

I look towards the East and see a star, Jesus Christ has blessed my life to know just who you are, you are my hope ~


So yes,


love Minnniiiiieeeeee


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