Monday 13 December 2010


YESSSSS, I finally have time to write a blog!!!

This weekend was SO FULL, but really nice.

I love going to my grandmas, I always feel so gluttonous when I'm there.

Its because she feeds us well.

My allergies have massacred me these past few days though. Because allthough I love Rocky, my grandmas cat, hugging him never helps me.

My throat is still feeling itchy.

Then this morning, I went to help Sarah with Tia (our pony) because the farrier was coming to put new shoes on her...and I'm allergic to horses too...and hay and straw.

I'm allergic to anything that is dusty.

Did you know cats AND horses have a layer of dust on their skin???

That's why people have's very rarely to do with if someone says,


just say..

'Pffft, it's not the hair you are allergic to...ITS THE DUST!'

They will probably have no idea what you are talking about and will think you are stupid...but YOU WILL BE RIGHT!

Usually people don't like things they are allergic to, but I don't let my allergies restrict me like that.

I flipping love cats, so even if I sneeze to death and get a VERY unnatractive rash or something...I will still cuddle them.

Usually though, I take a anti-histamine my allergies dont bother me anyway LOL

Why am I even writing about allergies?? I actually feel itchy thinking about it haha.

Last time I had the weirdest involved, narnia, mobile phones and kidnappers...and it made me wake up...I wasn't scared, I was just a bit annoyed that it didn't end satisfactorily.

You know when you wake up and the dream just fizzles out and there is no ending?

It's so disappointing.

You know when you hear these stories of people having really amazing dreams and they write it in a book and it becomes a best selling novel??

Well that will never happen to me if my dreams keep ending all limply.

Not that Im hoping for that XDDD

but it would make life so much easier if I could write a best selling novel that would earn enough money to provide for my family for like ten generations.


Honestly, I did stuff today, but I can't really remember because Im just quite tired atm LOL

1. What time did you get up this morning?


2. How do you like your steak?

Well done

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

Toy Story 3

4. What are your favorite TV shows?

Doctor Who, Merlin, House, Scrubs, Gossip Girl LOTS AND LOTS

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

Somewhere where I would be happy...I dont have any particular places in mind, because I guess I have so many places where I would like to go...

6. What did you have for breakfast today?

I didn't have any breakfast...I had a cup of tea though.

7. What is your favourite food?

Curry...though I'm open minded about food, nothing has managed to capture my heart quite like curry can

8. What foods do you dislike?

Mushrooms and I really cant eat cherry flavoured yogurt...other than that I will eat anything.

9. Favorite Place to Eat?

The Agraa...yup, Indian restaurant haha

10. Favorite salad dressings?

honey mustard and french....Im not too keen on the creamy ones

11. What are your favorite clothes?

Anything I can wear on a beach

12. Where would you visit if you had the chance?

Korea, Japan, Brunei, Philippines, Malaysia

13. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?

half full for sure XD

14. Where would you want to retire?

I never want to retire

15. Favorite time of day

The part of the day where I am most at peace haha, I think it varies

16. Where were you born?

Manchester, England

(I deleted 18, 19 and 20 because they were irrelevant)

21. Bird watcher?

Yes, I like watching birds

22. Are you a morning person or a night person?


23. Pets?

My dog Sam

24. Any new and exciting news that you’d like to share?

Not really

25. What did you want to be when you were little?

An animator for disney

26. What is your best childhood memory?

I had a great childhood filled will innumerable memories...I think seeing my sister for the first time is the best one though.

27. Are you a cat or dog person?

Dog person :D

28. Are you married?

Yes :D ..... no

29. Always wear your seat belt?

ALWAYS! Ever since princess Diana died, I always wore a seatbelt. lol

30. Been in a car accident?


31. Any pet peeves?

Several million

32. Favorite pizza topping?

Anything meaty and spicy

33. Favorite flower?


34. Favorite ice cream?


35. Favorite fast food restaurant

McD I guess

36. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?


37. From whom did you get your last email?

Tumblr...real people dont send me emails LOL

38. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?


39. Do anything spontaneous lately?

No, but I should.

40. Like your job?

Dont have a job

41. Broccoli?


42. What was your favorite vacation

Cornwall 2010

43. Last person you went out to dinner with?

Probably my family

44. What are you listening to right now?

My own breathing

45. What is your favorite colour?


46. How many tattoos do you have?

ew, none

47. Coffee drinker?

Yep, on occasion

48. How many children do you have?



Yeah I know its random but, Im sleepy and I have not posted anything in a few days and have lost my blogging groove a bit.

I should just sleep now!

Its cold tonight though!

Good Night

Love Minnie


  1. Actually, the thing that causes allergies from dogs and cats is their saliva! It sounds ridiculous, right? But when I was at the allergist, they told me the reason for allergies is actually found in their saliva (which I guess IS from the dust since they groom themselves...)

  2. Ohhhhh saliva!!! I've never actually been to an allergist, I got all my info from vets LOL.

    but thanks for letting me know!! I learned something!!! XDD
