Wednesday 15 December 2010


I'm just in fangirl mode at the moment.

GTOP released their MV for High High earlier today and then Sarah and I watched the Big Show 2010 DVD's she got for her birthday.

Thus, I am seriously HUGELY VIP today...I mean I'm always a VIP, but today my VIP-ness has been refreshed by so much YG goodiness.

Here is GTOP's High High MV -

I've been replaying the song all day LOLOLOL, Its so OSM!!! That party looks fuuunnnnn, I love seeing Seungri and YoungBae pop up too...but I missed Dae.

But GTOP are crazy, they just don't care, just having fun with everyone.


'G.H.E.T.T.O E.L.E.C.T.R.O'

I love that part hahah *sings along*


I can't wait for their full album to be released, I am SO buying it and adding it to mine and Sarah's little (growing) collection. The previews sound SOOO GOOOD! sFLDSFKJSDLKFSLKDFJLKSdjf

but yes...the fangirl part of my existence has been VERY satisfied today.

There were other parts of today that were a little more....irritating.

You know those people who know you quite well and they like to torment you, but in a way that only you yourself know what they are doing?

And then when you blow up at then or show your irritation it looks like you are over-reacting or just being mean?

Well, I have one of those people...and they know what they are doing...and they know that I know that they know *shifty eyes*

GOSH my tummy hurts so much!!!!

Its now 12:15am and I have to be awake EAAAARLY tomorrow as I have an appointment at 8:30 sakjdhajkshdkjashd. but I really DUN wanna go to sleep atm...I'm not SLEEEPEHHHHHH!!!!

For Once.

Actually, I went out earlier and I felt so depressed coming home, but then I went on the forum sbox and lots of the awesomes were there and they just cheer me up IMMENSLY....most of them anyway.

Then this member came on the sbox whose username was reallywally....and I was giggling for like 20 mins straight because I just find it highly amusing.

Me and my eonnie had a nice spam about it on twitter anyway...all the people who follow us both will be cursing us for spamming up their timelines....laik we care *kekeke*

Ohhhh so Im pretty happy now...maybe I should sleep before something changes that.

It's almost 1am anyway.


Love Min

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