Thursday 16 December 2010

Imagine There's a Train...

I'm so tired.

I'm babysitting and the baby has got some sort of virus.

Symptoms including - screaming and screaming down my ear and refusing to eat.

My friend also came into the house and said,

'Something smells, I think its you sweating.'

She was serious too!!

I was like in my head,

'Wait up bro, I do not smell, I know this for a fact. but wait...maybe it's your poorly baby who smells??? You know? Like poorly people tend to?'

Maybe I'm just being irritable because I've had a earful of screams all day...but man!! Its not my fault he wouldn't eat...I can't exactly insert tubes up his nose and feed him that way.

and I DON'T infamous for it...even ask my sister.

I got up at 7am this morning...I went into autopilot know, where you just get ready without thinking...because if you think you will just think yourself back into bed?

Anyway, I got myself all ready and had a cuppa tea to make sure I'd have my fix before entering the wild world...then I went downstairs to check my social networking shizzle, but lo and behold! My dad was sat at my PC watching the Cricket!!!

He was all like,

'Hey Min, why are you awake? Have you come to watch the Ashes? England are thrashing the Aussies.'

I was just all zombiefied and just agreed.

Then I missed my bus and had to wait 30 mins in the freezing sleet and cold!! It was horrendous!!!

I'm not going to go into detail about my appointment, because it was boring.

Actually other than the screaming child ( who I do love despite everything) today has been pretty boring.

The high point was watching INCEPTION again on my friends TV.

She was all like,


But that's because of the tension,...she actually really enjoyed it XD

But then her baby grabbed my Inception DVD case and mangled it up and she just watched him laughing and I was just like O: O: O:

Because you know, you can ruin ANYTHING...but please not my dvd's.

So now my Inception has been wounded in battle, but I guess the Discs aren't harmed...but still.

Am I being petty? lololol

I'm kind of like Frodo with the ring, when it comes to my DVD's.

They are my treasures outside of the ones I keep in my heart.


Ok, Im getting sooo tired now so Im gonna bid thee farewell,

Goodnight darlings

Love Min




  1. Your friends sounds like a prat! You watch her child and she insults you and your movie! Is she even paying you to mind her child?!

  2. Nooooo she's lovely!!! You know how it is when you are so close to someone you get so comfortable you forget they have feelings LMAO

    + being worried about her baby = Minnie scapegoat.

    and yep she pays me even though I told her she didn't need to.
