Friday 10 December 2010

The Opposite of a Nice person is a Coward

I FINALLY posted something on my Posterous Blog.

Remember, the one I made specifically for creative writing like a million years ago?

Honestly, I have about 7 or 8 posts in draft form that I probably could publicise, but somehow they are just not ready to be released yet XD...not yet.

But this, it just popped into my head while I was watching the movie 'Australia' and it wouldn't remove itself from my mind so I had to write it down so it can leave e in peace.

Sooo if you like poetry, please take a look at my poor attempt ^__^

I don't mind constructive criticism!

and while I'm at it I might as well flog my tumblr link too, just incase you'd like a browse XD.

Tumblr is being a pain in the butt this week...I'm trying to 'keep calm and carry on'...but tumblr is kind of addictive.

but like my YJ eonnie said earlier...
'blogspot is always the best'

and I completely agree...I love my blog here...its my little ranting den...the only way I keep up the appearance of being calm on the outside.

In reality I give the appearance of being a almost comatose like personality - but I guess even the quite ones have to have their outlet somewhere.

OH WOW!! I just remembered that I left my diary in my backpack downstairs!!! Not that it will get invaded...but you can't be too careful, especially when you have parents who are EXTREMELY volatile.

but actually...the last time I wrote in there was like...when I was still in, honestly, it's not very juicy.

I tend to keep my innermost thoughts to myself...and then I post the shell of my innermost thoughts taunt you XD

I'm completely tired at the moment and with good reason. I went to that seminar and it was actually quite informative and interesting - considering we were listening to a woman talk for 4+ hours, it was not that boring at all...though I have to mind did wander at some moments.

The only problem was...she didn't even cover on the subject of working overseas.

I did HINT I was interested in it...but everyone else there seemed obsessed with admin/office vocations...

What I wanted seemed a little abstract.

The only person who took the slightest bit of interest in my desired occupation was this guy called Eduardo from Spain. LMAO

I was telling him about how a good starting job opportunity for me would be to get a job in a lab which produced bacteria that they use in Yogurts.

And he was talking and his accent was REALLY strong so I don't now if I heard him right so I just said,


He seemed happy with my answer, so Im guessing 'yes' was right LOL

But he was the nicest there...there were only two people who were around my age group there, they were both guys and they both seemed gay.

Well one had a STRONG gay vibe and the other one was blonde and thought he was yeah.

Then there was this other woman who wanted to give students 'pastoral care' and another woman who had taken pictures of the Queen - I didn't wan't to burst her bubble but when Sarah was like 7 she went to see the Queen when she came to visit Leeds and Sarah took this freaking OSM picture of her....hummmm.

ANNYHOOO, I had very little trouble finding the place...though I had to catch four buses, which is UGHHHHH.

AND THE paths were so icy I had to walk on the roads.

Better getting knocked over my a car than slipping on the ice and looking like a noob hahahaha.

Which brings me to the end of this post...because I'm extremely tired...I've not slept since 7am yesterday morning.

Happy weekend peeps - 14 days till Christmas!! WOOHOO!

Love Minnie

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