Tuesday 1 March 2011

Motion Sickness

The Chelsea V Man U match just finished. Watching it was like self torture that you enjoy slightly, but then don't feel satisfied with at the end...not that I enjoy self torture.

It WAS NOT the result I wanted, but these things happen T_________T

Anyway, on a MUCH NICER and MORE BEAUTIFUL level, I will post my BIGBANG MV of the day!

I awoke this morning to find a special treat! The OFFICIAL and lovely un-TV version of their BRAND SPANKIN NEW 'Tonight' MV had been released.

It is very beautiful! When I tried to find a moral to the storyline I came up with...

Watch, you'll see what I mean!

Aren't they lovely???

It's actually quite a confusing MV to decipher, but I haven't actually read the lyrics yet, so I think it will make more sense when I do.

The thing you are REALLY left thinking when it finishes is.


but I'm sure there must be more to it than that.

In any case, Its a nice fresh approach to an MV from the KPOP industry. MV's always seem the same nowadays, like just with dimly lit rooms and hot guys dancing in perfect sync.

Bigbang bring SO much more to the table.

I think it's LUSH when Jiyongie kicks the camera too! HOW ADORABLE!


So I have to get up at some God forsaken hour tomorrow, because my mum arranged my life without telling me.

I was irritated at first, but I'm beginning to accept that she will keep telling other people I will do stuff for them without my permission for the rest of my life.

It is very sad.

So I have to go help at this school tomorrow because they are having an inspection and one of the teacher is pregnant so I am the 'fill in person'. WHICH IS HORRENDOUS!
I am trying to think positively about the whole situation, but I really can find nothing in it at all that appeals to me. Except for the fact that I LOVE the boss of the inspector who is visiting.

Her boss is the lady who's house I lived in last month! AND I LOVE HER!!!!!

My dog is such a babe!

Today I went to buy some necessities (and a dvd) and my card was rejected. I WAS HORRIFIED! It made me feel like a criminal! And I was exasperated because I knew that I had money in my account. Good job my mum was there, so she got the stuff for me. Anyway I went to the ATM to see if I could withdraw money to give back to her from there AND IT LET ME! It's so weird, I'm going to call my bank tomorrow and DEMAND an explanation.

I was so embarrassed when they said I couldn't buy my things. Sarah said I went red. I'm so glad I wasn't alone. I'd hate to have to leave that stuff behind.

I saw my spider friend on the window above the door in the kitchen just a bit ago. I was so happy to see him, but he really does travel around the house a lot. I suppose travelling is fast when you have eight legs though. It must be quite useful to have so many limbs. YOU COULD LIKE PLAY THE PIANO AND HOOVER AT THE SAME TIME WHILE SEWING AND HAVING A CUP OF TEA!

Though, you would look VERY strange!

You know when some things are just SO hard for you to comprehend? Like when creeper guys actually think they have a chance with you???


ITS HORRIBLE! STAY AWAY *makes cross sign with fingers*

Ahhhh, I love watching drama at night time. Just sat on a sofa drinking a nice cup of tea.

We've been re-watching Nobuta wo Produce for the past few days, but just watching like one episode a night before we go to bed. It's just so nice and relaxing. Such a nice story of friendship.

I have a lot in my head that I would like to write, but I have to be up early tomorrow and it's almost 12am. I think it would be wise of me to stop for now and get some sweet dreams....tomorrow awaits HUHUHUH DNW!


Love Min

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