Saturday 19 March 2011

Challenge Day 4: If You Could Live Anywhere In The World, Where Would It Be?

Omg what an awful question! LOL!

I truly find this completely impossible to answer. It's like asking me what is my favourite movie - I just can't choose.

There is this scenario/dream though, which I love.

Me and my YJ eonnie were talking like over a year ago about how all the first gen (first generation members of BBVIP, when we are successful and rich) would buy one of those gorgeous lil islands off the coast of Thailand and use it as our own beautiful VIP paradise and just go there on holiday together.

I think the idea came from that episode of Boys Over Flowers (Korean Drama, look it up, it's lush) where F4 and the two girls go to that island together and it's just like a perfect haven!

Anyway, our VIP holiday resort would be similar to that and we would have beach parties and good times all day and night long! Not to mention luxury apartments and swimming pools (just in case you don't like being in salt water for too long). Then, if you got bored of the beach life there would always be the private jet waiting to take you wherever your heart desired.

You may know that I have this never ending love for the beach, so obviously the place where I would love to live more than anywhere else MUST have a beach LOL

And of course, there would always be an open invitation for the Big Bang members to come and chill whenever they need a break.

So if I could live anywhere, it would be on THAT island so I would be able so see my gorgeous friends as much as I liked.

AND NOW! Realistically speaking haha....

I actually don't like living in one place for too long. It scares me. I have this fear that I will be stuck somewhere I really don't want to be forever haha.

I've lived in this house the longest that I've lived anywhere and actually I really do love it, but, well, I never wanted to live in Leeds to begin with. Before I moved here it was equal to me living in L***rpool and I had a HUGE tantrum when I was told I would be leaving Manchester to go to Leeds.

Well, now I've lived here almost 10 opinion of the city is better. But I still violently hate the Leeds football team hahaha.

Everytime we drive past their stadium we go,

'Oh look, there's the Devils seat'
(meaning, the devils toilet haha)

Coming back to the question - I would rather live everywhere I wanted to live in the world at different times than one place forever.

When push comes to shove. Isn't the whole big world our home anyway? I am of the opinion that we should see as much of it as we can so we can appreciate how beautiful this earth is and meet all the different varieties of neighbours we have.

GOSHHHH there are so many lush prospects. I really can't wait to get my feet off the ground.

Even so, I LOVE my dear old England and I'm so glad I was born in this green and pleasant land, I wouldn't wish to be born anywhere else ITS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE IN THE WORLD :D

Do ya see what I mean bro's?! :D

Have a lovely day me lovelies!


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