Tuesday 15 March 2011

Sneezing Before Dawn

Ugh, it's 4am.

I woke up like 45 minutes ago with a streaming eyes and nose and generally very allergic-y. I drank some water, but that was no use. So I brought my duvet and pillow downstairs and settled on the couch with a cup of tea and my laptop.

I took a antihistamine and some paracetamol earlier so they should kick in soon and I will be able to sleep, but ugh, awful!

I know exactly why this happened. It's because I cleaned my room. I was just telling my mum earlier about how I get ill when I clean, but she just laughed. It's true though. My allergy to dust is pretty severe. I usually take a antihistamine before I clean my room for this very reason. Anyway, I guess the dust still hasn't settled from when I was tidying earlier so I got irritated at this ridiculous time. Well never mind, it's not like I have a busy schedule in the morning I can sleep in.

I've decided to do a 15 day challenge here. I found it on tumblr, but I will do it here - because I really really love here.

So here are the challenges!


1. Introduce Yourself
2. Explain your current relationship status
3. If you could only have one wish, what would you wish for?
4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
5. The most amazing thing that ever happened to you
6. Your best friend
7. Choose lyrics and explain why you chose them
8. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
9. Someone you look up to
10. Your family
11. Google the meaning of your name
12. A famous person you've been compared to
13. Something that puts a smile on your face no matter what
14. What are you afraid of
15. Describe where you live

I will do them all in individual posts rather than in my main blog of the day, because otherwise people will get tired eyes reading so much shizz. I won't do the first one now either, I'll save it for later in the day.

I'm getting tired now. I'll sleep at 5:30.

You know, waking up in the early hours is kind of interesting. Your brain suddenly starts thinking creatively. I always have good ideas when this kind of thing happens, yet during the day I get so lazy. How bad is that?

It's very bad I know. It's like that quote by Thomas Edison - 'Many of lifes failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.'

I wonder how many times I could have made a difference and just gave up. It's awful to even think of.

Not that I feel I'm a failure at life. I'm far too young to feel that way, but it's a good thing to keep in mind just to remind myself to keep going.

It's the same for everyone I guess. Unless you are one of those amazing self motivated people haha.

Right, I'm sleepy now and ready to try and get some shuteye. You know, I took all those allergy drugs, but I think the thing that made me feel better was the cup of tea.

Ahhh God is so lush for giving us tea, I just can't even describe my love for Him LMAO

Night everyone (again),

Love Min

P.S. You know when you want to command someone to smile more because it makes them look gorgeous?


I freakin love smiles.

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