Sunday 20 March 2011


Today, I've decided to to a regular blog post for 2 reasons.

1. The next day challenge question is a tricky one and I have to think about it.
2. Right now I'm WAY too tired to think XDD

I loved today really, though getting up was kind of epically difficult since I was up till God knows how late writing fic, because I'd promised one of my treasured dongsaengs I would finish a chapter.

Luckily, she enjoyed reading it so my lack of sleep was not in vain! haha

Anyway, it was only the getting up part that was hard. Once I was up I was prancing around the house singing the theme song to One Piece Anime and explaining to my dad how Luffy was surprised because the giants tears were so huge that a rainbow appeared.

He just didn't get it, but he just sort of says,
'Thats ridiculous Michelle.'
And continues to iron shirts - he irons everything...he's the only person in the house who irons. Well, if I need anything ironing I just ask him to do it and then if he says no I just wear it all wrinkly.

It's not my fault that he learned perfect ironing skills in the army.

Anyway, its Sunday today so obviously we zoooooomed down the M62 to go to church, but mummy wasn't feeling very well so she stayed at home with Sammy, who I missed all day. I always miss Sam - it's strange, it's not like a T_____T *whiney* I missss himmmmmm. You know, like stupid girls who want attention do? It's more of a feeling something isn't there, like an emptiness - like it feels wrong because that presence is not there.

That's what I really think missing someone is.

Obviously I don't think there is anything wrong with expressing your missingness for someone - but only if you REALLY miss them. It's annoying if you  just want to suck up to them.

But yes, Sammy know I miss him LOOOOL

My friend asked me today,

'Do you have a boyfriend yet Min?'

I replied,

'Uh no, I have a dog.'

*Cue laughter*

Then my friends search the whole room to pick prospective guys out for me - please God help them not to take that seriously! I cannot handle matchmaking!

I was stood in the kitchen at church having a cup of tea and we have like a lil snack shop there. Anyway, it got busy and my friend was like,

'Minnie can you serve the people?!?!!?!'
So I did and I was running around with crumpets and stuff, tripping over small children and generally being a clutz. I hate handling money too, I always have this urge to put it in my pocket. AND THATS STEALING!

My friend didn't help either, she kept pinching my bottom and making me jump - so inappropriate! LOL

AND Im so forgetful. I totally left my phone in my bed. It's weird being phoneless for a whole day. Over the last year I got into the habit of sleeping with my phone under my pillow and there are sometimes when I do forget to put it in my pocket. Horrendous habit I'm so ashamed! *hides face*

...I'm not really ashamed, I d e c!

Gosh, I'm just incredibly tired. I have to go to the Job Centre tomorrow. How awful! And I have to get ready to go away

I should go to sleep because IM TIRED! T_____T

Oh yes yes!!! I had a very good day and I'm very happy really!!!

Ohhh and Luke P is in a new series 'The Borgias'  I can't wait to watch it, but I'm sure there will be rude parts that I will have to ignore because he is rarely in anything that is edifying - this boy I can't even!

Ugh, I have a nice gif of him I wanted to post but my net refuses to load the image hoster so I will have to forget it for today!


From Minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnehhh