Wednesday 8 February 2012


I have just watched the trailer for 'The Amazing Spiderman'.

I'm looking forward to this film, but I REALLY loved Spiderman 1 & 2 so it has rather large shoes to fill, in my opinion.

It helps that I like Andrew Garfield. It also helps that he is a very good British Actor.

I don't fancy him though, I just like him....cos I know you were thinking that I think about every attractive person in a shallow and perverse way. I don't. I have a list of specific people for those kinds of thoughts.


Anyhoo, work has been doing that thing. You know, work then sleep, work then sleep then repeat. I was scared my life would end up like this, but actually, I don't hate it as much as I hate the thought of it. I mean, without standing all this monotony I wouldn't have been able to buy a plane ticket to South Korea, nor would I have been able to go ice skating tonight.

Skating was good by the way. I was wearing this old jumper that I feel extremely comfortable in and I think I learned a lot better. The learning process (in anything) is always a lot easier when you are extremely relaxed in the clothing you are wearing.

My dad just posted on my FB wall! He is never on FB, this is like a huge achievement for him.

I'm so glad I don't have to get a shower tomorrow morning. It's super cold in this country at the minute, I'm talking constant minus temperatures. Its so awful having wet hair on very cold days and then waiting for a bus outside on those very cold days. It doesn't help that I refuse to use a hair dryer (with good reason) and also I only have one pair of shoes, which seems irrelevant, but I think warm feet are necessary when you have wet hair on cold days.

Am I making any sense at all? I hope not.

While I am on the subject of hair, I just want to mention that I am completely happy with my hair lately. It feels so nice and is being wonderfully manageable, it's like after all these years I have finally managed to tame the beast...or maybe I haven't, maybe actually I have just come to have an understanding with it.

If you didn't know my hair is actually another life form attached to my body whom I have had to learn to live with in a symbiotic way.

Alright, I shall sign off now, because I want to tumblr.


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