Saturday 2 April 2011

Challenge Day 6: Your best friend

This question is a nice easy one after having two days of difficulty.

Leaving out divine friends, because you know, thats obvious, but God is everyone best friend if they allow Him.

So yes, my best friend in this life is my sister.

It's that simple.

The fact is. She is the only person (other than Sam) who has seen me dance in the kitchen - so it is clear that the trust levels are beyond any other connection I have.

and also, we share the same DNA. So I will never ever ever ever be able to get away from her!


Thats SCARY!

Sometimes we actually plan not to talk to each other, because we think the same things at the same time and it's just completely unhealthy for two people to be so in sync.

Like today I was talking to her on the phone and we both said,

'So, what are you having for dinner?'

At the exact same time.

It was some creepy ass shizz!

So this is why we often say,

'Lets not talk today.'
To avoid such terrible terrible things!

So what can I say about my sister?

Well - people laugh at her face a lot - in the nicest possible sense.

She has a pony called Tia.

She is very tall even though she is younger than me and it's just wrong.

She loves Chansung and Francisco

She wants to go to Brazil because Francisco is there

She dislikes feet and moths

She was born in 1994

Her first word was 'doggy' even though we didn't have one then.


She has a scar on her nose where I threw a metal tea coaster at her

She has a scar on her finger where I slammed the door on it.

She has an abusive older sister...LOL JK

She LOVES Oguri Shun

Her favourite character in Avatar the Last Airbender cartoon is Sokka

Her favourite footballer is Javier Hernandez because she thinks he LOOKS like Sokka

She hates corn

She always likes the 'other guy' in know the one who never gets the girl?

She is good at drawing, but doesn't think she is, but she actually is a lot better than I was at her age.

She wants a Bentley because bad ass people have Bentleys

She wants to call her child 'Poseidon'

Her fave Big Bang member is TOP, but she definitely loves them all....but she secretly loves TOP more

Every time she hears Chansung sing she says, 'That's my Chansung.'

She is actually very kind, but she doesn't have time for people who are idiots.

She thinks a lot of people are idiots.

I'm the only idiot she has time for.

but she likes silly people a lot.

And I am this persons sister :D

And I also have to go out now

And this blog has taken me like thousands of days to write :(



LOVE FROM MINNIE! sdkfhkjsdhfkjshdfkjhsdkjfhksjdhfkjshdfkjshdfkjshfkjshdf

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