Tuesday 7 June 2011

You Taught Me all the Important Things

I'm kind of feeling good about myself because I did something happily - something that I would normally do unhappily.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm a slightly better person than I was a few weeks ago. It's a BIG maybe.

OO OO! its 11:11! ME LIKEY! I always think of like 3000 people when I see 11:11 and then wish to see them all...it's quite a stressful minute for me.

I've been watching this really amazing show called 'Leonardo' recently. In fact, I'm pretty obsessed with it.

It's actually a British kids programme about the young Leonardo Da Vinci - it has a lot of fun nicely mingled with historical fact. It's really inspired me to go back to drawing. because if you didn't know, Da Vinci is my most favourite artist of that period.

I was reading about him and was quite surprised that his procrastination was incredibly close to what mine is. He painted madly for a whole day and then did nothing on his piece for a week.

In fact, the more I read about him, the more I feel how alike we are. Other than he is an amazing master of art and genius person and I am Minnie.

but, I'm not comparing my artwork to his - that would be hilarious - just, I share some attitudes and characteristics with Leonardo Da Vinci, it gets me buzzed.

...though, I'm not a homosexual...like he possibly was LOOOL

Well lets just say, I am inspired, I spent most of today drawing - Asian people again - I love drawing Asian people. They are pretty and have nice eyes and skin.

I'll just upload what I did.

So basically, I've been asked to draw Taemin of SHINEE for a friend, so the first three pictures are just me practising how he looks, though, I kind of like my first attempt a lot and I might go ahead and use that one as the final.

THEN, I have people around me that frown at my love of drawing Asian males (though to be fair, drawing Taemin is not like drawing a man).

So I thought I would sketch CL from 2NE1 because I've never drawn her before. So I did a quick 10 minute-er with a graphite stick. It came out ok, not the best, but fun to do.

The final pic was just me experimenting with various mediums and styles and colours, I saw this gorgeous pic of Bom that I HAD to copy, I may re-do that pic in the future, because my version does not do her justice.

After I had worn out my artistic vibe for the day, I watched episodes of That 70's Show with my lil sis. It's completely unedifying and also completely hilarious.


I was thinking about love and stuff today, and since I have named MOST of my children I thought It would probably be necessary for me to find someone to marry.

Then of course, I thought about different scenarios in which I meet my husband (I do that because I'm a girl and we do that - it happens naturally in our heads. If a girl says it doesn't happen she is a liar and STAY AWAY FROM HER because liars are not very trustworthy).

The scenario I chose as the best and most decent was this -

I lose my glasses, which basically means I'm blind and I don't have enough money to get a new pair (a very realistic scenario).

Then I meet this dude, I don't know where, but we become friends and eventually fall i lve and decide to marry, but the thing is, I have no idea what he looks like BECAUSE I HAVE NO GLASSES!

This way, I love him based on his actual self rather than how he looks.

Anyway, on our wedding day, he treats me a to a nice pair of contact lenses (because glasses are inappropriate for a bride).

As soon as I place them on my eyeballs I take my first glance at my dude and he so totally looks like a live action version of Prince Philip from the Disney animation of Sleeping Beauty.

Then we get married and have lots of children and I get to name them all!

The End

...Well, I can dream can't I?

I'm planning on drawing more tomorrow. I have creative ideas filling my head.

I've made it my mission in life to exercise my talents and train the weaker parts of me. Its basic common sense that practice leads to bigger accomplishments.

Well anyway, its 12am and I better sign off because Kevin is being laggy and I wanna read my Bible before I sleep.

Good Night! Oyasumi!

Love From Minnie

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