Saturday 21 January 2012

Tangled Web of Discouragement

Look at that!

It is 1:55am and I am still awake.

Weeeeellll, it IS the weekend. I will go to bed as soon as I have written this post, because I'm am suddenly overwhelmed by sleepiness.

This past week has been completely insane. I have learned a few things, or rather, my eyes have been opened.

Firstly, I've discovered how disgustingly selfish indecisiveness can be.

Secondly, I've discovered that I am incredibly fickle.

These realisations brought me to the conclusions that -

1. I will train myself to be more decisive
2. It must be possible to love more than one person and it's possibly the only thing I can't make a solid decision about.

My two conclusions nullify one another.

Honestly, when do I get to win?

Do you mind if I go to sleep now. My body is transforming into zombie mode.

I still love life though. I just think that God still has a lot of work to do when it comes to me because no matter what I do, I still feel like I'm shackled to my insecurities. It doesn't help that the people I HAVE to respect seem to be pouring fuel onto my insecurities because that way I will never be able to move on.

Am I actually paranoid? I don't think so. I pray that I never make anyone feel inadequate and unable to help themselves.

Good Night


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