I'm listening to Gossip Man by G the Dragon and singing it aloud in my head.
You know when you feel like you are singing aloud and then you realize that you aren't actually at all, you are only having like a rave session in your head.
Ooo it was the live version and I didn't notice until I heard the fans haha
I heart that boys smile...

Don't you just want to dive right in? *sigh*
My room is completely messy.
I just don't understand how I can clean it to perfection and the next moment its like an indoors elephant enclosure minus the huge poo's.
You know what I love?
I mean really love A LOT.
I LOVE the soundtracks to final fantasy games, they thrill me!!! The music is so beautiful.
Many years ago as noobile tween, I used to think punk rock music was the only real music. I am completely ashamed of my younger self for being that way...the thing that redeems me from being so closed minded is that I listened to classical music too...I've never understood why young people dislike classical music...IT ROCKS HARD...and those composers were like hardcore weirdo's...I find them so interesting.
...the thing is I used to ardently hate with a passion, music made with electronic sounds.
I liked the real sounds of instruments....I still feel that way a bit, but not as much, because I now realise a real musician can make even the weirdest or crappiest instrument sound heaven sent.
but anyway as a 16 year old playing FF X I fell in love with the soundtrack and I found to my complete amazement that 95% of it was not full orchestral music.
And it opened my eyes to the fabulous world of electronic sounds...
Listen and enjoy :D
Tidus Theme ~
*Sigh* the nostalgia...I want to run to my PS2 and play it again for 700007882276348932 hours and collect all the celestial weapons and scream at the TV whenever a monster hits my Tidus (he is my unborn son after all I'm so protective over him).
Choral Music in Games usually creeps the fudge out of me and I turn the volume down because I get scared haha, but somehow this one always gave me a warm feeling...and you find yourself singing along even though the words dont make sense and you freak your family members out.
The Hymn of the Fayth ~
I want to play this again, I see it there on my shelf calling to me in a sweet silent voice.
'Minnnniiieeee, you know you wanttt meee, you know you need meee.'
Damn you!!! You RPG obsession!!!
Im very proud of my new eyebrows...I've decided that I must be getting the hang of this plucking and trimming shizz because I made a real mess the first time I attempted...I ended up with like half a left eyebrow.
This all comes of relying on someone to beautify you...my Iranian friend who was like epic at plucking eyebrows used to do it for me...she did that whole string shizz.
It killed like mad at first, but...RESULT...perfect eyebrows.
Wanna see a before and after??
You will realize that my eyebrows are so bushy they are like another biosphere.

See what I mean? ROFL
Now for the after :D

Looks MUCH better innit?

I love my new Vaseline...it 'gently tints' LOLLL

Considering the 'Before Picture' was taken year ago, I havn't changed much have I - other than the eyebrows.
I still look 15...
I read the first chapter of my book The Book Thief last night.
All I have so far, is that its based around the Second World War and that it is narrated by Death.
It's quite well written though.
The author is an Aussie dude and the book is apparently -
'The No.1 International Bestseller.'
I wish I could write a best seller and live off the profit.
That would be so lush. I would travel around the world signing books. And I would love all the people who read it.
Apparently its a tearjerker, so I'm going to read it at night or in the morning so the mascara running down my cheeks won't tell my family that I have been weeping over a novel again.
Usually if a book or movie makes me cry I will let the silent tears fall and then sneak to the bathroom with the pretence that I need a pee, but instead wash my face and blow my nose.
However, there are some days when I get caught.
Like once, we were watching The Last Samurai at grandmas. And I was sat on the sofa beside my mum, trying to control my emotions, while grandma and Sarah and mum were silently crying hahaha.
Dad was probably in the other room watching match of the day XD
Anyway, I'd just bought a new type of mascara and my eyes were not quite used to it yet...so when the tears started coming (you know at that part where the guy leaves his son to die? TT__TT) the mascara got into my eye and suddenly it was stinging like hell fire.
I started rubbing my eyes like a noob and it got so much worse.
So I ended up being taken to the bathroom by grandma as she helped me rinse out my eyes because I could hardly open them explaining lamely that they were watering because they 'were tired'
Grandma just looked at me and said,
'Don't worry about it, I cried at that part too.'
Then at Christmas one of my gifts from her was some waterproof mascara for sensitive eyes - for my 'emotional moments'.
Its a good job I didn't hardly wear makeup when I went on holiday, because I cried like mad when we watched Marley and Me one night on the laptop.
I was so sad I was actually holding in like sobs...mind you, we all got upset...even dad.
I missed Sam a lot after watching that. I wanted to hug him and smell his gorgeous ears...
I've just realized something...my blogs have gotten a lot less negative since I finished uni. Did you notice?
It shows how much crap you get from university...
sometimes I think its not even worth the torment.
What the hell is wrong with good old starting from the bottom and working your way to the top.
A degree only dumps you halfway anyway in between the lowest jobs and the highest...you have the qualifications, but no experience...and to be honest. You are inadequate for any job until you have learned the ropes after a few months...if you've not been sacked by then.
My mum is sometimes very harsh with me.
I woke up at around 7:15 this morning to feed Sam and let him out.
Mum was getting ready for work and I went to the loo to have my morning pee.
My mum suddenly spoke up,
I replied,
'I just need a wee, I wont be long.'
My mum,
... good morning to you too mum.
I'd like to point out that you were the one who toilet trained me. If you want, I could pee the bed at night again. That way the bathroom would be free in the morning because I wouldn't be bursting :D
My dad is just as charming,
I was walking up the stairs and bumped into him.
'Go find a job Michelle.'
Hi daddy, I love you too.
I really do love them though...they aren't boring. I'd die with boring parents cos I choose to live with them haha.
I managed to get a copy of the Deluxe edition of Solar thanks to a friend of Zaty eonnie...apparently they are all sold out now...but they will appear every now and then at ridiculous prices on ebay I bet...people trying to rip off die hard fans.
They are quite expensive now, but then considering what you get with it, I think its a bargain.
GD's SAL T Shirt cost me £25 for example, but the Solar deluxe has a T shirt with it - among other stuff and it cost me £30 something.
My money is running out, but whatever...I kept my promise to Sarah. And there's nothing I would rather spend my money on more...maybe apart from plane tickets.
Sarah and YJ eonnie just loaded me with lots of gorgeous GD pics...wanna see?
Oh wait...I cant find where I saved them hahaha...I will find them later and post.
I want Brazil to win this match against Holland...even though my cousin is Dutch...I refuse to support any other European team...BLEH :D
maybe maybe maybe I was way too cynical, thinking I would never even fall and now Im craavinggg ~
I love that song
~ This must bee loveee, oh what you do to me, oh what you do to me
Can't get enouughhhh, oh what you do to me, oh what you do to me ~
Oh dear.
Its really hot and humid recently, I may go for a walk to chill off...It rained all last night, but the humidity hasn't really lifted.
I force myself not to mind though...I'd much rather it be warm than freezing.
*remembers back to the day when the heating broke in the house on the coldest night of the year*
It should be illegal to be that cold.
Anyway I will shut the heck up now :D
Love From Minnieeee
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