'Would you and Sarah like to go to Japan next year?'
I felt like saying,
but I just said,
because answering a question with another question is confusing sometimes.
Remember how I said the kids we babysit for are half Japanese and are moving to Japan?
Well their mum invited us over and my mum trusts her to take care of us hahah...well to take care of Sarah.
You see my parents don't mind me going anywhere, but if I want to bring Sarah along there are instant arguments about how she is too young and I'm not responsible enough and how I'm a bad example etc etc. ~
They would quite happily let me go to the moon alone if I wished...
but anyway this time it involves a 'responsible adult' so mum is happy for us to go.
Though...mum did bring up the failed Singapore excursion as well and look how wonderfully that turned out -.-
My uncle was in Japan last week and on the last night there was a minor earthquake and he got scared hahaha. At first he woke up and saw my cousins bed shaking and he thought my cousin was having like a seizure or something. And then he realized it wasn't the bed that was shaking but the entire building hahaha.
But at least it was a memorable last night in Japan XD
My other Uncle is going to Malaysia (KL to be exact) in September to visit friends. He lived there for six years so he has like an attachment to it.
All our family are well travelled except our little section My uncle (Malaysia one) has been to almost every country in Europe and Asia. He has lived in so many countries. Cos he is a business rep...he had to be away from home a lot, but his kids are all grown up and moved out and his wife is pretty busy with life so it was all good for him.
I wish I can get a job like that...obviously, I don't have the wife and kids to worry about so that's a bonus...I mean husband LOL
and even if I did have them, I would take them with me, cos I think its a good experience.
I'm so glad we moved to different cities through my childhood, I can't imagine how boring it must be to live in the same place all the time. It gives you a wider look at life and people.
People change so much from city to city like for example -
Manchester my birthplace - the people are very chatty and quite happy though they can be quite stupid at times and only like talking if its about themselves. There are of course the exceptions, but I have been tainted by horrific examples of native Manchester humans...I'm so glad I wasn't too influenced by them...on the plus side, hello Manchester United and my grandparents :)
Bradford - There is a high south Asian population there so a lot of the people you know are either Indian Or Pakistani and you get exposed to the culture of those places - and the food - hence, my love of curry. MMMM I could just eat some now. I have very fond memories of this place...lots of my firsts happened there :D (first bike, first pet, first kiss, first school, first sibling, first snow, first crush etc etc.)
after Bradford we went back to live in Manchester for 4 years and then came to..
Leeds - this is the place I wanted to come to the least, but was grateful I came in the end. I HATED Leeds at first, mainly because of my fearsome dislike for the football team here LOL (still hate them, we call the stadium - the Devils Seat). I've lived in Leeds the longest than anywhere else now, but I feel its time we moved again...or at least I moved haha...itchy feet. The best part about Leeds was that I was able to get a dog...my bedroom is also amazingly awesome. :) I have lots of great memories here, most of which are shared with my sister...I never really made serious friends here apart from people at church...but my sister is enough anyway.
I still cant say that I like Leeds though :S even after 9 years.
And all I want to know is, where will we be next???
Its kind of an exciting prospect.
Something just made me DDDDDDD:
*overheats and explodes*
I'm happy to say my doggy did a good poo. It wasn't the best kind, but it had no blood on it, so by tomorrow Im hoping his digestive system is behaving normally.
Right now he is lying on the end of my bed and running in his sleep ^_^
I wonder what he is chasing? haha
I can smell chocolate and coconut too...hmmmm...feel a bit sick actually.
Im gonna detox tomorrow and just drink water.
Mind you, it nearly is tomorrow. I still haven't signed up to the job centre.
Me and dad had a small argument about it.
But he was mainly annoyed at my bad attitude, because I'm really irritable tonight.
I really should sleep. Not done a lot today, but I'm tired anyway.
Oh the life of a young adult.
Always tired
Always Inspired
Always tempted
Always tormented
But never doing anything about it all.
Who cares anyway?
All I want is to love and be loved.
It sounds so easy, but its so freaking hard.
Love From Minnie
Good Night :)

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