Here is a quotation/excerpt from what I wrote,
'...tomorrow I want to wake up and be better than I was today.
To be a better person, child, sister and friend.
And to love more with every passing moment.'
It was easy to write, but as I look back on today I realize that I did not reach my expectations.
Loving is 50 million times harder than hating.
and I don't mean like the kind of love you feel for the 'special person' kind of don't have a choice in that case - they steal your heart.
I mean the love for fellow people.
Its extremely hard to love people...especially when you think you are better than them...which in some cases there is no doubt you are.
I found myself bashing someone earlier...and yes, they deserved it...but when I looked harder at that person I realized a few things.
Firstly, they are ignorant...therefore I should be sympathetic towards them...not angry.
Secondly, this person is probably the way they are because they are confused and are using their contradicting opinions that are lacking in thought as barriers because they don't want people to know they are confused...and they probably need kindness from me, which I failed at.
and Thirdly, from the evidence...they think of themselves very badly enough as it is, without me thinking more.
I just feel that instead of being petty about the silly insignificant things that annoy me, I should rise to the occasion and look that silly thing in the eye and say.
'Yes you annoy me and bother me because I get irritated easily, but you should know that I am always happy to correct you if you are wrong and if you don't want my help I will ignore you and have no hard feelings, because you have a soul and we share a planet...and your life is just as important as the next persons.'
Its useful to remember that the irritating people in life are just as important as the lovely we react to various individuals helps us discover how to live. We are learning lessons from the people in our lives every day.
Yes, it is harder to love than to hate.
but hate brings nothing but pain...
love is painful too, only every now and then you get pleasant surprises, so it's worth the effort.
I'm sorry I thought the mean things.
And to confirm my feelings, this was just posted on my FB wall.
Clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Colossians 3:12&13
That's classy that is :D
In other words, man up and be the better person
Moving on :D
We finished watching this season of Doctor Who.
One word -
Since it came back to TV in 2005 there has not been a more wonderful season finale than this.
If you are going to watch Doctor Who I HIGHLY recommend this latest season.
Its improved in every possible way.
The storylines have all been high quality and the computer animation is 10000 times better.
It even inspired me with a a really good idea for a's all mixed up in my head at the moment, but I think if I got it clear it would be quite interesting.
Maybe this is the inspiration I need.
I'm not going to say my idea because I'm scared someone will steal's MINE.
Here's hoping I don't forget it...I better write it down somewhere, because from past experience I definitely will forget.
Remember those pictures I promised to post earlier?
Well here they are now :D

YJ showed me this earlier and said he looked like he was hiding his dots.
The thought of this tickled my amusement and made me smile fo sho!!
He is hiding his dots from the world, because he knows full well they belong to me.
- insert squealing and screaming to the point of grievous bodily harm -
'Look at ma sexy eyebrow'
Yes I am looking...
I am fully aware that his talents are extensive and he is a growing phenomenon in the music industry. And I admire him.
But I have to admit. The fact that he is Crazy Gorgeous completely knocks me over before I let the other facts enter my don't blame me do you?
Is it possible to get pregnant from looking at such pictures?
Anyway, anyone else I have affection for should be feeling very good about themselves right now, considering how I see that glorious piece of male specimen every single day and I still think you are completely beautiful.
Ahh its so hot tonight.
I need to buy more of my shampoo. I've nearly run out and my hair loves it so much it would be cruel to separate them now. I couldn't live with myself if anything came between the two of them.
Ooh I'm feeling quite tired now, Imma get a nice wash before bed so I feel lush and fresh and then get a lovely nights sleep and hopefully have sweet and lovely dreams.
Goodnight Dear Ones
Much love,
From Minnie.
P.S. I hope msn is does not continue being a laggy bumtrinket tomorrow...I get stressed when I cant reply fast....ahh me haha
Night, I will send you all hugs in my dreams...I hope you can feel them :D900
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