It was one of my dreams to write a book.
I used to write stories about talking sheepdogs and cross dressing girls, but I never actually finished them.
My mum was always telling me I should write a book of poetry and get it published, but I don't think anyone would really want to read the poetry I write.
It's either been done before or it doesn't make sense.
I once wrote about a cake who didn't want to die...and no, It wasn't deep and symbolic.
It was simply about a cake - who didn't want to die.
He got eaten in the end, the poor dear.
Nobody wants to read about cakes though...they want to read about sad things that make them even sadder about life...most people do anyway.
It's sad ^_^
But anyway, I mentioned a few posts ago that I got an Idea for a story, so I thought.
'Why not? I only get one life! Why shouldn't I write something?'
And so I drew up an outline for the introduction and started to write it in the car on the way to grandmas the other day.
Basically, I wrote it very craply, so I've decided to re-write it until it's perfect.
Grammar is something I'm very anal (irritable) about -
along with -
Drawing's not going how I want.
Dad's guitar strap being twisted so that its backwards
People having hair in their eyes
Drinking alcohol
Continental Europe
When people put new dishes in the sink while I'm washing up (I HAVE A SYSTEM DAMMIT!!)
North America
Jae when he doesn't have a head
+ Many more...
Its funny though, having a dump for a bedroom does not affect me at all.
I really need to visit Europe and North America to defeat my prejudices too...I'm utterly wrong to think the way I do, considering I've never visited either...It's not just those places. I'm also prejudice towards Liverpool and North Wales and parts of London...and any other places in England with weird annoying accents that make me want to stab whoever is talking.
I should learn to count to ten and learn to love the person.
I am shameful
Its not just me though...Sarah has a problem with the Irish too LOLOL
Oh God, mum made a surprise pizza....I love her.
Hmmm, I just dropped pizza all over my white t shirt, aren't I a clever girl?
I've discovered time flies when you are doing nothing just as much as when you aren't. It must be something to do with old age. Oh gosh I should really clean my room...its terrible.
But when I'm supposed to do something other things always come into my mind like -
'I really want to watch Twilight and New Moon before I go see Eclipse next week...Actually, maybe I'll just forward wind to all the Jacob parts and watch those.'
'I can't be botheres getting up off my a**'
'Lets just sit here and think about tidying the room'
Did you know my favourite Korean Movie is My Sassy Girl?
I think its ace. Especially the part where she slaps his face multiple times!!
And that part where she makes him wear her heels and says,
'I'm not wearing any panties.'
and then says,
'Come get me.'
and then runs away
I am in awe of her brilliance...she is a masterful woman.
OH guess what?!!!
I just went downstairs to make a cup of tea and while the teabag was brewing I was like.
'Hmmm, I have 5 minutes until the flavour becomes completely perfect, what shall I do in the meantime?'
So I called the passport office and made an appointment for my interview. It's on Thursday at 3.15pm and lasts for up to half an hour.
Then apparently if my interview is 'successful' I will get my passport in 7 - 15 days.
Sarah will also get hers too.
How many months has this taken?!! Its ridiculous!!
I'm so glad I have ten years before I have to go through the whole procedure again.
I feel so grown up though!!!
'OH MY GOD!!!'- Michael Kelso Impersonation
Yes, I know...Im a sad person...I know.
My best friends little sister told my little sister that my best friend said that rain in full house was hers....
I will fight tooth and claw for Yong Jae in Full House. I loooveee him haaha.
I think me and my friend need to have a little discussion about the ownership of him.
Nah...I'm just kidding....
I maybe a tiny bit 'not kidding' though.
just an eensy weensy bit
I felt really bad just before, like deeply bad.
My mum called from work and said they had a body shop party for the staff after work and asked if I wanted to come cos she knows I really like buying stuff from the Body Shop.
The conversation -
'Hey Min, there is a body shop party at work, you can come if you want and look at the stuff and see if you want some.'
Mum -
'..oh...ok then.'
Me -
'Ok, bye'
I felt horrible!! Because I bet she said to her workmates before she called.
'Oh Our Michelle would love all this!! I'll call her to come over.'
And then I was all cold and nasty for no reason.
She sounded so dissappointed.
Anyway, she called again later and asked if I would bring her purse to work so I jumped up and took it straight away, just so that I showed that I cared.
Because I really do!! I don't know why I was so mean-like. :(
She even bought me a book on how to make different kinds of cupcakes because she knew I liked to bake sometimes.
...I'm suddenly very emotional this evening.
I get like this sometimes lol...It's because I'm a girl.
That's my excuse.
We have hormonal imbalances that make us crazy. And we are only normal for like the first two years of our life and then are insane until we die. And God made men to be less emotional because otherwise they would all end up killing themselves because women would drive them round the bend.
I want Uruguay to win this match against Holland, because my cousin is from Holland and he is asleep in Japan now and I'm jealous so I'm not supporting his country.
Oh dear.
Me and Sarah have just had a huge rant.
My mood has gone from
Severely annoyed
In like 7 seconds
Go me!!!
The sound of my dogs breathing when he is asleep is so adorable.
Well Im gonna go watch something now
Laters darlings,
Love from Minnie

I thought this was cute.
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