I'm feeling very introverted and secretive. I feel like I have a big secret. PI MI!
Even though I haven't. I just feel like I have. I think it's because I'm listening to deep and meaningful songs that were obviously written by people who feel something and some of that feeling has entered my soul.
I have 'Many the Horror' on repeat - I'm not sure if that is good or bad.
It's good in that its a brilliant lovely song.
It's bad in the sense that I get all emotional listening to it - just because I can.
Maybe it's just Monday syndrome. I wonder what my Tuesday syndrome will be like.
Omg you should see my personal diary, ITS OVERFLOWING with weirdness. I swear when my grandchildren read it, they will think I was stoned 99% of the time.
I was thinking about the names I want to call my children and was wondering whether it would be completely horrible if I named my children after Star Wars characters?
It would wouldn't it?
My mum said when I was born there was this other kid at church born around the same time and he was called Obi Wan. I think it's probably for the best that his parents moved away...I would never be able to resist a person with such a name. I would probably be married to him by now with lots of offspring called Yoda and Han and Anakin.
Honestly, I prefer the name R2D2, because he is my ultimate favourite, but it's illegal for humans to have numbers in their name and I have to admit, I would hate to have a number for a name.
I mean I've been in love with it for a while now - 10 years to be exact. I think it's the longest relationship I've ever had with someones voice. Unfortunately, I have to share this voice with other people, but I don't mind too much, because such things have to be shared.
One of my oldest friends would like to marry the body that goes with the voice of Matty T - but I'm just like, no man, thats just not right.
I think it's because I like my boys pretty....I really really do. It's SUCH a burden for me.
My right hand is SO cold! Why is it so cold? What did I do for it to be so cold like this?
Ok, so after I'd been out to the job centre I came home and started this angry sketch (because I was angry) of Luke Pasqualino, so I drew his head and placed his eyes and nose and lips and then started like scribbling away madly. Then Sarah came and just got a pencil and started scribbling away at it too and by the time we'd finished scribbling it actually looked pretty good. I mean it isn't the best sketch but it's actually a good likeness and considering that I started it because I needed to divert my intense rage - well, lets just say it was slightly more productive than chopping my own extremities off with a carving knife.
Actually it's not just my right hand, my whole body is freezing. I went downstairs to tell my dad I was cold.
and he said,
'Its not cold in here.'
I'm wondering, does he think I will go and spend my entire night in the kitchen just because it's warmer in there - and it wasn't that much warmer in there anyway, he was just being facetious and that just annoys me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm contemplating going to bed early because it's the only place in which I will have complete warmth - maybe I should go to bed early tonight.
Because I wan't to wake up early just in case the postman comes with the parcel with the CD's in. I already missed a parcel he brought last Friday, I think it was something from Lily because it was addressed to Sarah and only things that come from the other side of the world are from Sarah.
Unless they are from Malaysia, then they are usually addressed to me, because Zaty sees me as THE BIG SISTER! Even though the other day Sarah and I did this thing where we leap into each other arms and I dropped her straight away, cos I just have like -2% muscle mass in my arms.
I used to be so strong you know? Like I used to go to this youth club and the boys used to call me 'She-hulk'.
but, they were rubbish boys anyway, never lifted a finger to help hardly, they might as well have been Victorean Era ladies. Seriously dudes nowadays need a punch in the face to awaken their masculinity.
There is definitely a problem when the girl is lugging about and setting up Air hockey tables and the guys are sat there watching. ITS A PROBLEM. And I'm not being all feministic here either, because that's just stupid. Naturally and scientifically, boys are built to be stronger and have more energy THEY SHOULD HELP CARRY STUFF AND ALL THAT!
I don't know why I'm talking about this, it's like I'm suddenly peeved about this stuff that happened in the past, but maybe it's just the Monday syndrome again.
It's just wouldn't it be nicer if the males of this word stopped trying to catch grenades and step in front of trains and just man up and do a bit of hard labour?
Why on earth would you want to catch a grenade anyway??? are you an idiot? Do you know that would kill you? IF YOU ARE DEAD WHAT GOOD WOULD THAT DO ME?
And if a grenade is coming my way why can't you just pull me aout of the way why do you have to catch it? WHY DON'T YOU THINK LOGICALLY BRUNO MARS?!?!?!
No hating though, I actually like that song and I find Bruno to be very attractive. BTW is that his real name? BRUNO!
Sounds MANLY *says 'BRUNO' in a deep voice*
I think I knew a dog called Bruno once.
When I was little there was this horse called 'Spot' that lived in a field behind my house and I used to love him so much. Anyway we moved away to Manchester and then years and years later we went back to visit our old house and HE WAS STILL THERE!!!
Mum thought he would have been dead already, because he was old and stuff, but I never recall him being old. To me he was like a GLORIOUS STALLION or something. I remember sitting on his back when I was little thinking I was the Queen of all I surveyed.
OH OH OH I'm just so tired, I need to wash my face and brush my teeth and then snuggle up in my bed and dream about nice things like spring and baby animals and please please please no boys because they are always people like Luke Pasqualino and it just gets me thinking that REAL LIFE MUST BE LIKE THIS!
but Luke Pasqualino is not in my real life...unfortunately.
I love you!
From Minnie

The scan actually doesn't do it justice, it looks better in your hands...trust me :)
You like guys that are pretty? Why not just like girls, there way prettier
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing about pretty girls that is abnormal. Pretty guys are rare, so that's why I like them - besides, I'm straight!!!! :D :D :D
ReplyDeleteNever say Never!! XD XD