'If I had one wish oh I don't know what I'd wish for, but if I had a million zillion wishees, I'd choose one to let you know that gibberish is not a nice way to talk to all your friends!' - Gibberish by Relient K
The truth is, I'm not much of a wisher.
buuut theoretically speaking, here goes -
I'm gonna forget long-term wishes for now, because I have several hundred thousand of those.
The wish I would make right now at this very moment is that Japan would be ok and all the other places that might be affected.
It's all ok wishing for a lifetimes supply of chocolate or unlimited money, but the fact is there are bigger things going on. Things that can't be ignored.
And to be honest aren't wishes there so you can ask for the impossible?
I mean, I could wish to be able to see my friends from all over the world, but I know I will make that happen anyway, so I certainly don't need a wish for that.
Sometimes I don't think people realise how much they are actually capable of. If you stand from a different view point and look at yourself you'll probably see a 'you' that you never even imagined you could be.
With or without wishes, you are freaking amazing, a work of art and you share this whole world with billions of other amazing people. Don't let anyone tell you any different AND if they do contradict what I just said, tell me and I will kick them out of the 'Amazing People Club'.
No, I'm just kidding. Even wally annoying people are hugely capable of being amazing - only a lot of the time they choose not to be - that is their biggest problem.
At the end of the day I always pray anyway, I find that works for me better than any one wish.
For example, I knew my Mico dongsaeng was struggling with his thesis days before it was to be handed in. So I wrote on my prayer list (which I write every night) a few days ago for 'Mico's thesis to pass everything and that he would keep strong and FIGHTING!' because he'd had to review it a million times. And today I was so happy cos he was spazzing out how it was all over and handed in and lovely and wonderful.
Isn't that cool? My triplets are so lush you know. They can do anything and get through anything!!!! I know amazing people! *happy*
Anyway, I've kind of got side tracked, but my point is, prayers work for me more than wishes, because I really believe there is Someone out there ready to help us when we ask.
It doesn't hurt to try ;)
And now...this

From Minnie Won Kenobi
P.S. Apparently that piccy of Lukey boy all smiley in the taxi was taken by Chris O'Donovan...thanks Chris mate, you take great pics. I appreciate your efforts (y)
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